Thor x Loki x Reader (brothers and brother/sister)

Start from the beginning

Moments later I saw a beautiful golden city in front of me. "Beautiful" was all I could whisper. The men looked at me like I was crazy. "What?" "You aren't nauseous?!" They asked at the same time. "No should I be?" "Yes. Even the most feared warriors get nauseous from a trip with the Bifrost. Why aren't you?" "Probably because I love rollercoaster so much I got used to this kind of feelings. I only got nauseous once on a rollercoaster, but I was a bit sick then."

The still looked at me like I was crazy. "Can we go further?" I asked a bit nervous. "Yes of course. Right this way." I followed and looked at the beautiful nature.

After a while we got to the palace and we were lead to the throne room. I looked around and saw nothing but gold. Gold floor, gold pillars, gold walls and the worse of all, gold ceiling. I didn't want to sound disrespectful and so I kept my mouth shut.

"Welcome back Thor! Who did you brought back to you, another Midgardian!" I looked at the burst of sound and saw Odin. "No father this is your long lost son/daughter (y/n)!

(Please help. What is the last name of the daughter....well you. I could say.....)

"No it can't be! (y/n)!" I heard on the side from Odin and saw Frigga. I only looked into her eyes when she came down from her throne and hugged me. "My sweet, sweet boy/girl. We finally found you!" I could only smile. I then saw a dark shadow in the corner. I looked at the shadow and Frigga saw it.

"Loki step into the light and introduce yourself to your brother/sister." Came the stern voice of Frigga. The shadow moved and disappeared. I heard a little crack behind me so I knew he transported behind me. He grabbed my shoulder to scare me and all I said was "Hello Loki." I could feel he was flabbergasted.

"How did I not scare you?" He asked truly curious. "I heard a small crack when you were suppose to reappear. Also I thought you would do that." I said with a light smirk on my face. I turned around to face him properly.

I could hear Thor laughing. "Is it funny Thor?" I asked. "Yes, it is truly funny." He said when he calmed down a bit. Frigga shook her head but her smile revealed how much she loved that we get along.

"I don't think you have anything of a armour/dress?" Frigga asked me. "No, I don't." She nodded and gestured to follow her.

I followed her and looked where we are. She stoped in front of a door that was made from mahogany.

"Your brothers doors are at each side of your room. Now seek something that you like and I will send you a servant/maid to you." Frigga explained to me. "Thank you....mother." When I said that I could see the tears in her eyes. She took me in a bone crushing hug. When she let go she wiped away a few tears. She looked lovely at me.

"Thank you for accepting me this fast." She said a little emotional. "It's not that hard. The woman who called herself my mother was never a good mother. I always hoped that she would turn out to not be my mother. And now my wish has been fulfilled and I couldn't be any happier! I think I should dress." I said with a smile and I turned around to get into my room and seek out a(n) armour/dress.

(I wanted my book to be gender neutral.)


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When I picked out my armour/dress someone came to help me

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When I picked out my armour/dress someone came to help me.


When I was dressed I walked with the servant/maid back to the throne room. When I came back everyone was staring at me. I felt self conscious, but I walked to my father.

"You look perfect." Said the All-father. "Thank you." Was the only thing I knew to say back. I want used to this kind of compliments. Scrap that. To any compliments at all.

"We'll have a feast for your return. I think you need to be taught how to be a lady." "Yes, sir." "Well respect you have already. I am already proud of you. All three of you. You didn't fight like I thought would happen. I am very proud." There was a silent tear slipping down my cheek. I whipped it away before anyone could see it.

But I was a little to late. "(Y/n) why are you crying?" Came the calm and caring voice from Loki. "Never in whole my life have I ever heard those words that were suppose to be the truth." A few more tears find there way across my cheeks. I whipped them away and I stood tall and proud. I looked at my mother and she looked at me like only a mother can look at her son/daughter.

She stepped forward and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back. It was the best hug I ever got. I let go and stood before my father. I smiled once more and said "I am happy that I make you proud. And I think I say that for all three of us." I looked beside me and they nodded there heads. Father smiled fondly at us and said "go for now. You'll know when your presence is needed." We said our thank you's and we left the throne room.

"I happen to read your thoughts when you came inside. I believe you don't like gold." Loki said to me. "I should have known that someone would look around in my thoughts. But yes I am not overly fond of gold, but I happen to love silver and green. So I am actually a resemblance of you two. I love silver, Thor has a silver armour and I love green. Something that you wear Loki." I said. "Now you say it you do have a point. But how did you hear me appear behind you. Not even when you hear a dropped needle, you can hear me." "I have honestly no idea. I have a really bad hearing system. So I don't know."

We shook it off and we continued to talk and bond. I even believe that the two brothers have bond again. All it needed was a helping hand.

Comment if you want a part two of this!

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