Dinner was served by the terrace overlooking the watering point where most animals quenched their thirst. Sidney gasped with delight when she saw a herd of Zebra's by the watering point. Devin smiled to himself. The main reason for the trip was to isolate her from Sean. He did not want her to develop any more feelings towards him. Sean was a threat.

Dinner was a quite meal. After desert he led her for a walk around the hotel premises.

"Are you sure it's safe to go walking" she asked tugging closely to his side.

"I wouldn't risk your life princess, the area close to the hotel is perfectly safe" he replied taking her hand.

"How can it be safe yet the hotel is in the game reserve there are animals" she complained still not convinced. Devin chuckled.

"There is a barricade that prevents the animals from coming within a hundred meters of the hotel area. I can say you are safe from them but I don't think you are safe from me"

His voice was slightly hoarse. Sidney remembered the moment they had in the Jacuzzi and blushed. They were surrounded in darkness apart from the several security lights and lamps that lit their path.

"Sidney by now you realize I am attracted to you."

He held her hand and they sat on one of the garden benches

"You are pretty I know my cousin might have shown interest in you too and that scares me. I'm scared I have grown too fond of you to let anyone else near you"

She was touched by his sincerity.

"Can I confess a secret?" she asked

"Yes princess"

"I have always been reserved when it came to dating and relationships, but with you..."

Before she could finish her sentence he moved closer and his lips were on hers. She was talking but all that was in his mind was how he would make love to her. That was the only thing he had wanted ever since seeing her. In fact after he did that Sean could have her. Dammit! Sean would be right again. He had to prove everyone wrong and Sidney deserved the best from him.

She could feel her whole body respond to him. She kissed him with equal passion. Suddenly he broke the kiss and stood abruptly, moving away from her.

"Devin what's wrong" she asked softly.

"Let's go back to the suite." He replied "You were right it's not safe outside here"

He was running his hands on his head looking all paranoid.

"I thought there were no dangerous animals here" she was getting confused his behavior. One minute he is passionately kissing her the next minute he wants to leave.

"Oh! There is one wild animal"he spoke angrily  "me!"  and walked back to the hotel.

Sidney gazed at him. There was no shame to the fact that he was turned on by her so why he running away.

"Don't you want me here" she shouted walking after him. Devin stopped and quickly walked towards her grabbing her by the shoulders.

"Sidney I am crazy about you. I wanted to make love to you ever since the day we danced at Dina's party, ever since I saw you walk in that damned campus. I wanted you then and I want you now but I will be damned if I prove my cousin right" he was shouting at her and looked really angry.

She remained quiet and watched him walk away into the hotel.

Devin reached the suite and banged the door. He looked around for a bottle of scotch and found a bottle of whisky. He drank from the bottle. He was angry at himself. Sean was right Sidney wasn't his type she was far too vulnerable for him. He did not do relationships they always overwhelmed him. He needed to stop seeing her before she got hurt. Sean could have her.  Devin sat on the chair in the mini sitting room and buried his head in his hands. His lust for Sidney was driving him insane. He drank again from the bottle and walked over to the balcony. He remembered their  brief moment on the Jacuzzi and drank again. He leaned on the rail and gazed into the darkness. The soft wind seemed to calm him down.

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