He smiled at them and walked away with Sidney. He led her away from the bonfire and they took a short walk around the resort.

The place was well kept with beautiful scenery. It was situated on the hilly outskirts of town. Away from the busy city and itsnoise.

He took her to a high spot where they could view the city landscape. It was dark, all they could see were the city lights, the whole view was breathtaking. He put an arm around her waist and she leaned on him putting her head on his shoulder. At that moment he knew he could not give up on Sidney. He was also drawn to her, not because he liked competing with Sean but because she stood out on her own.

"This is beautiful" she said looking up to him.

Devin held her chin then traced out her face. He was a playboy, he had dated so many women and not even once had he committed to them. He looked at her and suddenly he was afraid of hurting her feelings.

"You are beautiful" he told her

"I want to ask you something"

"What is it? My number?" she asked jokingly.

Devin laughed remembering how many times he had come close to asking but had feared to being rejected. He stared at her beautiful face.

"Since you refused that request, I will ask for something different. I want to know you more, spend more time. I like you and..."

He wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend but he still doubted if he was the right man for her.

"Allow me to take you for a date, not one, not two but many dates, I just want to enjoy every second with you" he finally said

"Give me your phone" she told him.

He obliged and gave her. She keyed in her number.

"Give me a call later and I will give you my answer" she replied handing him back the phone.

They went back to the bonfire. Around midnight Dina made her wish, blew out her candles and cut her cake. Sidney was standing next to Tanya admiring Dina and her boyfriend who were feeding each other cake. She longed to have the same with her special someone. The two were totally in love and had been together for almost five years. Lavina was also with her boyfriend dancing. Although Tanya was standing next to her she was flirting with a guy just next to them and Sidney was beginning to feel like a third wheel.

She looked around and her eyes met with that of Sean's. He walked towards her not breaking the eye contact. She felt her legs move. She driven in his direction. Every stride he took had confidence and power. He was tall and muscular. She now understood why he listed as the hottest bachelor in campus. She noticed other women stare at him. His light brown eyes were focused on her. She nervously tugged on her dress as he stood before her.

"I have been looking everywhere for you" he told her holding her hand.

"Now you found me" she replied feeling cheerful.

"I want some cake, will you take me I get a slice?" she asked

"Of course anything for you"

Sean kissed her hand and took her to where cake was being served.

"I'm glad you came for the party" she told him as she bit on a piece of cake and set it on the table.

"Why" he asked looking into her eyes.

Sidney looked at him. He had light brown pupils and one could feel lost in them.

"I just feel happy you are here. I feel safe" she spoke in a whisper not knowing why she was telling him this.

The Secret AdmirerWhere stories live. Discover now