meeting the kyuubi and ten tailed beast

Start from the beginning

????: you must stay in bed until you have healed

naruto: why are you helping me

??????: cause i cant leave a helpless child to die, here drink up( gives tea)

naruto: t-thank you mrs?

??????: just call me himeko and dont bother to put mrs it makes me fell old

naruto: o-o-ok sorry( drink the tea)

himeko: i see that you met kurama the kyuubi

when she said kurama's name naruto spit out the tea and look at himeko while himeko giggled at his reaction

naruto: h-how did you know?

himeko: cause im his sister the ten tailed  hell fire wolf

when naruto heard this his trying to process everything and himeko got the reaction from the young blonde.


himeko nodded then naruto

himeko: yep and your his jinchuuriki i presume 

naruto: w-wel yeah i am but why are you so nice and where am i 

himeko: your in my house i found you when the villagers stop beating you up so i healed your wounds while your talking to kurama

naruto: how did you know i was talking to him

himeko: i touch your forehead and saw you talking to him and then i left to treat your wounds

naruto: why would you treat my wounds 

himeko: you don't deserved it i can see the soul of a inoccent and the a soul that is dark and cruel so go and rest and we can talk 

naruto didn't expect this coming from the ten tail beast so he did what he was told and after a few hours naruto fell much better than last night so he went downstairs and saw himeko cooking some tasty chicken 

himeko: i see your awake here some chicken,

naruto sat on the table with himeko and they started to eat and there was a silence until himeko broke it

himeko: so naruto hows your parents

himeko thinking that is parents must be good to him but......

naruto: my parents  they didn't notice me almost everyday, they were busy training menma and mito and everytime i ask them to train me with them they say they would do it tomorrow but it never came anyways

himeko: why did they do that

naruto: cause theyr'e trying to make them stronger and try to use kuramas chakra and use it to keep me at bay if i go.......berserk( naruto knew the reason why minato and kushina train only menma and mito) , and everytime they said where have i been i told them the villagers beat me up and then instead of recieving a hug from my mom i got a slap instead then my siblings started to mock me and they wont let have dinner

when himako heard this she felt in rage that his parents giving his to siblings love and respect and care while naruto got a slap and no food and he can bearly defend for himself, so himeko decided to train him to be strong so the villagers wont hurt him anymore,but first she needs to talk to kurama.

himeko: naruto.... can you let me be inside your mindscape so i can talk to kurama

naruto: ok 

so himeko touch naruto forehead and she entered  but she's not in here human form but got into her beast form

kurama: well its been awhile hasn't it himeko?

himeko: yep its been a long time kurama, say i want to train naruto so he can be strong and he's too young to feel so much pain 

kurama: i guess i cant argue with that so i will allow it, if its ok with him and i will be training him too cause i hate the villagers as well

himeko: thank you little brother

so himeko leave naruto's mindscape and came back to the real world

himeko: hey naruto i talk to kurama and told him if we can train you, is that sound good to you?

naruto's eyes widen with joy and excitement so he answer in the most happy voice he can 

naruto: yes! yes i will train with you and kurama thank you thank you thank you!

this was the nicest thing that anyone has ever done to naruto, and he wouldn't thought that someone will train him this is the most happiest thing that happens to him

himeko: well you better be prepared cause the training you will get will be hell

naruto: im ready for anything!

himeko: we'll start tomorrow okay

naruto: ahhh do we have to

as much as himeko wanted naruto to stay, he has to go back to his 'family' so they wont get suspicous and as much as naruto dont want to go back to his house either

himeko: you have to and dont worry if anything goes wrong me and kurama will be there to protect ok

naruto: ( nodded yes)

so naruto left himekos house and started walking despite everyhting that happened to his life this is his first best moments in his life he finally have a friend who he trust


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