Our love was meant to hurt other's.

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Police: Good morning son, how ya doing in there?
Creek: As long as I'm with you I'm never okay.
Police: I hate that I have to be here watching you for 40 years.
Creek: How about you just let's me go I can make it worth ya wild *holds up 100 dollar bill*
Police: Son it's gonna take more than that to bribe me.
Creek: I can't wait till I get out of here.
Police: By the time you get out of here you'll be dead.
*at Poppy's cabin*
Poppy: *yawn* Good morning Suki how ar- oh right. *hears knock* who is it.
Branch: It's me Branch.
Poppy: Come in!
Branch: Hey, Pop!
Poppy: Hi Branchie!
Branch: Come on we're almost late for class.
Poppy: Oh right.
Branch: Let's go. *holds Poppy's hand*
Poppy: *blushes*
Teacher: Branch, Poppy go to your cabins now!
Branch: Why?
Teacher: Creek has escaped prison.
Poppy: What!
Teacher: He is on campus and he has a knife. GO NOW, RUN!!!
Creek: Oh Poppy, where are you?
Poppy: Oh no he's here for me.
Branch: Don't worry Poppy, I will protect you.
Creek: Hello Poppy!
Creek: I'm afraid I can't, you see you turned me in so now I have to kill you.
Creek: I almost forgot I have to kill you to Branch.
Branch: Like that's going to happen.
Creek: Just move out of my way *grabs Poppy*
Poppy: HELP!!!
Teacher: If you do this Creek you will be in more trouble than you already are.
Creek: And if you come any closer I will stab her.
Biggie: Creek don't do this.
Branch: Yeah Creek I'm still your friend.
Harper: Just put the knife down please.
Poppy: And if you kill me you will never be with me.
Cooper: Yeah Creek, don't do this.
Creek: I guess your right.... Not! *stabs Poppy in her side*
Poppy: AAAHHH!!!!
Branch: POPPY!!!
Creek: Now my job is done. *leaves*
Teacher: He cut her deep in her side she's not gonna make it.
Branch: Poppy I'm so sorry.
Poppy: Branch....
Cooper: No Poppy, not you to.
Branch: Please stay with me Poppy.
Poppy: Branch....... I..... Love..... You.
Branch: I love you too Poppy.
Harper: Oh no.....

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