Chapter 2

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Danielas P.O.V:

The next day, I woke up got dressed. I put on some plain black leggings, a grey hoodie and my white converse. I went to the cafeteria to find Sara and Mariana eating breakfast. "Hey guys." "Good morning," says Mariana. "Hey." says Sara. I stood in line got my breakfast and sat down with Mariana and Sara. "So what is the schedule today?" I ask. "Um well from what I heard there is a bon fire tonight in the court yard, but that is later on tonight." says Mariana. "So basically we can do whatever we want," says Sara. "Okay well then how about us girl plan a day of things to do," says Mariana. "I can't me and Justin are hanging out. But I will see you later on for the bon fire." Says Sara getting up to put her dishes away and then going to Justin. "Well Daniela I guess it is just you and me. I am going to help set you and Hunter up," Says Mariana. "You can try but he is very clueless," Says Daniela. We got up put our dishes away and then went to find Hunter. We found Hunter in main hall by the French class; he was standing with his friend Jake. "Hey guys." says Mariana. I wanted to run away. "Hey," says Hunter looking directly at me. I started blushing and looked at my feet. "What do you want?" says Jake. "Shut up and show me respect you peasant." says Mariana. I pinch Mariana. "Ouch!" says Mariana. "Stop being sassy and mean." I say whispering to Mariana. "He started it! But whatever, anyways Jake I need to talk to you." says Mariana. "Why do you need to talk to me?" says Jake. "Just shut up and come." says Mariana dragging Jake away, leaving Hunter and me. However, before she left she whispered, "Just talk to him and start a casual conversation and see where this leads."

Marianas P.O.V:

I dragged Jake to north hall and let his hand go as soon as I saw Matthew at the end of the hall. "Why did you bring me here to this empty hallway. I see you are falling for me." says Jake smirking. "Ew no you are a fuckboi and I got my eyes on someone else." says Mariana looking down the hall. "Whatever, I'm leaving." Says Jake as he is about to walk away. "Wait! Do not and I repeat DO NOT go back to Hunter. If I find out you went to him I swear I will kick your ass," says Mariana. "Okay fine." Says Jake and he walked away. As soon as Jake left, I started walking down the hall to Matthew. As soon as I got near Matthew, he started walking to the stairs. Once I got a view of the stairs, I saw Matthew and Sophia hugging and walking upstairs. I walked back to the start of the hall and went upstairs to my homeroom. I looked at the time it was only 2:00 and the bon fire does not start until 7:00, which means everyone is going to start getting ready around 5:00. I had 3 hour to waste so I went to the library and decided to read for a bit.

Saras P.O.V:

Justin and I were just shooting some hoops in the small gym of the school. We were having a good time until Ilyssa walked in. "Hey Justin." She says. "Hi." Says Justin plainly. "Um I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and the gang right now. "No I'm fine, I'm hanging out with my girl friend right now," says Justin. "I don't know why you would rather date her instead of me," says Ilyssa. "Ok you know what Ilyssa! I am done hearing all the crap you say about my girl friend. If you think you can talk behind my back without me finding out then you wrong, I have true friends who tell me everything you say. If I ever hear you talking shit about my girl friend again I will forget we were ever friends!" says Justin. He takes my hand and we walk out of the gym. We sat at the tables in the cafeteria and Justin seemed mad. "Thanks." I say. "For what?" says Justin. "So standing up to me against her, I honestly thought that one day she would be the reason of our breakup," says Sara. "Well don't worry about her anymore. She is out of the picture." Says Justin. I felt relieved but I had gut feeling she was not gone. I would just have to talk to Daniela and Mariana about how I feel.

Authors Note: 

Thank you to my lovely readers! I am having so much fun writing this story. Next chapter will be up soon :D

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