chapter 2

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So we left off where Andrew kissed Luna..........

Luna: Andrew? I think i just saw someone...

Andrew turns around to look

Andrew: There isn't any one there

Luna: But i just i..

the bell rings

Luna and Andrew walk into the class room and Luna and Andrew sit next to each other

Teacher: Today we will be learning X- Axis and Y- Axis

Teacher: Who can tell me what is 3,4 is as a ratio

Luna then raises her hand

Teacher: Luna?

Luna: The ratio is 3:4

Teacher: Good

After class ends...

Its now time for lunch...

Sarah: So Luna what happened with you and Andrew?

Luna: Nothing..

Sarah: Ok then?

After time passes.....

Luna then goes to science

Luna see's Andrew mad during science

*Luna whispers* Luna: Whats wrong?

Andrew ignores Luna

Luna: Andrew whats wrong?

after times passes Luna leaves Andrew alone and so the bell rings

In the hallway.....

Luna: Whats wrong with you?

Andrew: Nothing

Andrew walks away

Luna then goes to her Advisory class

The teachers dismiss the class

Luna walks to towards Sarah

Luna: Whats wrong with Andrew

Sarah: I don't know

Luna: I have to tell you something.........

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