"Yes mommy."

"This car," she said, patting the shifter. "It was made a long time ago. And drivers had to use this to shift the car. There was no automatic transmission."

"That's cool mommy."

Almost home, Carrie was surprised how well she was doing, since it was her first time driving a stick in 9 years. Adam looked out his side mirror. "I see grandpa!" Carrie's dad waved back as they pulled in their second driveway.


Harrison hurried to cover Carrie's present as he heard the car pull in.

He tucked the paint under the cover, pushing the 4 wheeler in front to block it. Along with lots of chocolate, he decided to build her a frame and fill it with pictures of the two of them. He started to carve the letters of their first names out of wood and they would go on the front of the frame.

Harrison walked outside, seeing Carrie, the kids, her father, and the mustang. "Look what mommy brought home!" Adam said, running up to him.

"I see it buddy."

He walked up to Carrie, kissing her gently before taking her bag. "How was your first day? Besides my competition?"

"Pretty good. You don't have anything to worry about."

Carrie caught her keys from her dad. "So what's this?" Harrison asked, inspecting the car.

"You don't remember it?"

"Oh believe me, I remember it. What's it doing here?"

She shrugged. "He doesn't drive it," she said, gesturing to her dad. "I figured you or I would."

He nodded. "Don't worry Mr. Fisher. It'll get driven a lot."

Carrie's dad laughed. "I don't doubt it."

"Well," Carrie said, walking over to her other car. "I better get you home."

"Sweetheart, if you want to stay, I'll take him."

She didn't need any convincing as she started up towards the house. "Hey Adam, how was your first day?"

"It was okay daddy. I got football stickers!"

"Show em to me when I get back, alright?"

Adam nodded, running up to the house. Carrie mouthed something to him. He looked at her, as she repeated the words again. 'I'll tell you later.'

Harrison nodded opening the car door. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

He looked at Carrie, who was smiling from ear to ear. "What?" He looked around.

"How about your daughter?"

"I just put her down for a nap an hour ago." Standing back up, he threw her the monitor. Carrie turned it on, seeing Emma asleep in her bed.

"You know daddy's little girl isn't gonna be happy when she wakes up."

He sighed. "I know. Want me to get her?"

"Nah, she hasn't slept good these last few days."

"You sure?"

She raised an eyebrow, putting her hands on her hips. "When haven't I been sure?"

He laughed, handing her bag back and closing the car door.


Harrison came back to see his two kids in the pool and his wife sitting on the side, her feet dangling in the water. Her laptop rested on her thighs and she wore her favorite sunglasses with a Bud Light in her hand.

"Wow, how come I wasn't invited to the party?"

Carrie took a sip of beer. "Join it now."

"I'll be back."

He came back a few minutes later wearing his swim trunks. Sitting next to her, he tried to steal a sip of Bud Light, but she took the can from his hand, finishing it. "There's Coors Light in the fridge. Grab me on too."

Harrison came back for the second time, carrying two beers. "Thanks," she smiled, taking the other can from him.


"Can you tell me why there's an email from Jerry Jones?"

"Lemme see it."

Carrie turned her laptop. Sure enough, an email from Cowboys owner Jerry Jones pleading for his return. "How many times do I have to say no?" He wondered.

She took another drink. "You have an interview with ESPN next week and they're definitely going to ask you."

Harrison scrolled through the email. It detailed plenty of different contract options as well as a request for comment. "They just think by adding more money, I'll be right on board."

"I know. I had a dozen students ask me the same question today, along with plenty of people bugging Adam."

"It's just... ugh... it's getting annoying now."

"I know. I know." Carrie kissed his cheek. "We've done everything possible. I've declined all interview requests, so have you. I don't answer any of these emails or the calls from ESPN."

He held his face in his hands. "Just better hope the paparazzi doesn't camp out on our front yard," he heard her whisper. "Or I may run a few over with the car," she teased.

Harrison looked up, to be rewarded with a football smashing him in the face. Carrie snickered from beside him. "ADAM DOUGLAS!"

She picked up the laptop as he jumped in, swimming over to his son who hid behind Emma. "Leave her out of this," he teased, picking up Emma.


"How's daddy's little girl?"

Emma pointed at Adam trying to swim away. "Wanna get Adam?" He asked Emma who nodded.

He swam after Adam, still holding Emma. He cornered him, tickling his son. Emma chipped in by splashing her big brother. "Got him!"

Harrison gave his daughter a high five. "Teamwork."

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