Chapter 9: Woah! Bender! Chill!

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*Bender's POV*

Jay lightly presses her lips to mine. I kiss her back. I wrap my hands around her waist and I flip her around, so now her back is against the bookshelf. My hands roam all of her body. We pull apart and we stare into each other's eyes. God she has such beautiful green eyes, it was like looking into an evergreen forest. After about 5 more minutes of kissing, Jay and I return to the group. I feel like shit for being a dick to Brian so I decide to apologize to him. I walk up to him.

"Hey." I say to him.

"U-uh...h-hey!" he says, clearly nervous of me.

"I'm sorry I was a dick to you. If I'm ever rude to you in the future, just know that whatever I say, I won't mean it. It's just what I do...." I explain to him. He just stares at me for a few seconds.

"Haha. It's okay, I understand. You like Jay, right?"

"What?! I.... I don't know." was all I could say.

"Well... I just wanted you to know, I don't like her in that way. I love her, but as family. She's a sister to me and nothing more. I promise." I give him an understanding nod and went back to my seat.

*An hour later (Jay's POV)*

We all got really bored of just sitting at our seats, so we decided to move over towards the ramp. Fucking Ms. 'Bow down to me!' was still sitting in her chair, Andrew had his leg up on the railing,stretching, Brian was leaning against a wall, behind Bender, the shy girl in the back was...well...still in the back, Bender was tearing the pages out of a book he grabbed, and me? Well... I was doin fuck all beside Bender.

"That's real intelligent." Andrew glares at Bender.

"You're's wrong to destroy literature..." He continues to tear pages out. "It's such fun to read...and, Molet really pumps my nads." Bender tells him.

"Mol-yare." I heard a voice behind Andrew say.

I look up to see Claire smiling at Bender. I couldn't help but glare holes into her face. I guess she must have felt it because she looks in my direction and glares right back.

"I love his work." Brian breaks the silence.

Bender throws the rest of the pages at him. Bender picks up a  card catalogue drawer and begins to take cards out.

"Big deal...nothing to do when you're locked in a vacancy." Bender grumbles.

"Speak for yourself..." Andrew replies

"Do you think I'd speak for you? I don't even know your language!"

Andrew turns to me.

"Hey, you grounded tonight?" he asks.

"Why?" I ask, curiously.

"There's a big party going on over at my friends house tonight, parents are in Europe. It should be pretty wild... You wanna come?"

"Are you serious?" I ask in disbelief. "After the shit your friends pulled on Wednesday. You really think I would wanna go to a party where they would be? I couldn't handle one of your friends.... What makes you think I can stand 30 of them in the same place?"

He doesn't response and he starts to look down at the ground. Then, to make thing less awkward, he turned to Claire and asked her. She shrugs.

"I don't know, my mom said I was grounded, but by dad told me to just blow her off."

"Can you go?" he asks.

"I doubt it..."

"How come?" he asks, confused.

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