Stealing Spider-Girl (Mysterio Vs Kraven for Spider-Girls head)

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It was then that Sergei realized that he should have taken May's head for his mantle when he had the chance. It seemed too late since the hobgoblin had already taken off, holding May by the arms tightly, laughing sickeningly as he left. "Ugh! I cannot simply ask for the spider back! I must do it the old fashioned way." His daughter had left to find the Spider-Man, while Kraven now plots to reobtain the weakened, distraught teenaged spider-girl. He thinks it would be easy to take her head, that she wouldn't try to put up a fight. But Sergei had his ways, he is the worlds greatest hunter. He failed at capturing the Spiderman, he wouldnt fail in capturing his daughter. "Pheh, second generation will be too easy." Meanwhile Mysterio aka Quentin Beck, had heard that the Spider-Girl was 'up for grabs.' This would be the perfect time to extract revenge on the insolent girl. The sixteen year old who so often thwarted his plans. Sergei loaded his guns and took off, having ascertained information about Hobgoblins route to his employer. He waited on a roof, under the moon handling his gun carefully, ready to shoot down Daniel, mid air. While Mysterio merely hovered in the sky waiting for spidergirl to swing by, ill advised of her current condition.

Mysterio decided to take the drop on Hobgoblin and inadvertedly allowed May some time to gather up any strength she had. Now, swinging from the current situation talking with herself and the symbiote she hosts, Spider-Girl is being followed by three of her fathers greatest enemies; Mysterio, Kraven, and Hobgoblin. She only prayed to herself that three others wouldn't pop out of no where to try and claim her head. "Where's good old pops when you need him?!" Distracted by the voices in her mind she didn't realize that the Hobgoblin had caught up to her, quickly. "HAHAHA!" He laughed in the creepy manner that sent shivers through anyones spine. "Give up Spider-Girl, you're too weak to fight me!" Knowing that, these villains knew her fathers identity she shouted in reply, "Parker's NEVER give up and they NEVER give in!" She looked back slightly to find Mysterio had joined him in their devilish scheme for the young arachnid's head. "So, where's the rest of your evil bunch? I didn't think you'd form a sinister duo. Where's Kraven? It can be a Trio!" Just as she joked about the number of enemies she was stopped short in her swing by Kraven. It was like watching George of the Jungle hit against a tree. She fell backwards on her tush and looked up as she scrambled to move away. Her first instinct is to shoot a web and try to escape. At least if they caught her and finally killed her, she would have tried. But she didn't want to be thought as a coward. His Russian accent sent a small shiver down her spine.

"Why are you running when your fate is so obvious? You should accept it like a hero and make peace with death." He grinned looking strangely younger. "A bit too young to give up, don't you think?" May retorted, starting to stand. Now, Ana walked out from behind Sergei with a grin. "You look tired, Spider." The young Kravinoff said as she stepped towards May. May, who was now completely surrounded, stared at her before replying, "Well... I normally take my nap about now. You know relaxing on a spider-web. The usual Spider business. This is only the third time in my life I've been deprived of that." Her eyes narrowed on Ana as Hobgoblin and Mysterio close in on the three. Looking through the corner of her eye she noticed she was surrounded by three of her fathers enemies who are much stronger then her and her own enemy who is slightly stronger then her. "Please, allow us to remedy that." Ana said eerily stepping closer to the Spider. An option would be to give up but the words her father had told her repeated themselves in her head. 'With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.' Though exhausted from the chase she slid into a fighting stance and got ready for an assault. 'I can take on five black belts from my martial arts team at school, what makes these four super villains any different?' "You're no better then the boys I fight at school. Five at a time I might add." Hobgoblin began to grin along with Sergei and Ana. Her thought process changed and her pre cognitive danger sense went off when Kraven pulled out his spear again. It was time to think seriously about the situation. 'Ok. Wait May. Actually think about this...I'm surrounded by Hobgoblin, Kraven the first, Kraven the second, and Mysterio. Right... There's the difference...' She looked at the grinning malicious villains before wondering what they were thinking about. "Uh... Did I miss something funny?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 ⏰

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