Hydra Cap (Part 2)

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Part 2)
The last month had seemed almost quiet to the Avengers. They didn't understand why.
Hydra had been in full force attack ever since they had heard that Captain America had been 'killed'.

Now they had seemed to almost back off? None of made it sense to anyone.
Expect Hydra of course.
This was all of Steve's plan to exhaust SHIELD then let them start to lower their guard. Once this was all in effect Hydra would attack with more power then before.
Only until Steve revealed himself to his former team.

The day of attack had arrived and of course Steve was ready to go, he had been looking forward to his day for a while.
It didn't take much to break into the main SHIELD base. After all, it seemed tony hadn't taken away Steve's clearance.
While Steve was upstairs working his way threw Tony's files the Hydra Agents started their attack on the lower floors. Which sent the base into a lock down.
Well not for long, Steve had already managed to override the lockdown.

Though Steve seemed rather incompetent to modern day technology, it was just another act. In his spare time he trained to become a rather brilliant hacker.
But what he needed to do was steal the files he needed and show that he was alive to not only Tony but the rest of the Team.
He was rather disappointed that not one of the averages were home at this point.

Well expect Wanda, but she was a sleeper agent, so Steve just simply 'woke her up'.
The files were almost completely downloaded, it was all to easy. Well Steve spoke to soon, a warning shot was aimed next to his head. He didn't need to look up to know who it was as he heard Tony come in the door.

"Okay Hydra, stand down before I make you." Tony said aiming his glove now at Steve's head. But steve didn't flinch at all he just smirked. His helmet was similar to the one he wore as Captain America so he just simply looked up at Tony with a wicked smirk on face.
"Now is that anyway to treat your friend Stark." Steve said in a rather cheeky tone of voice.
Tony took his helmet off as he wanted to see with his own eyes.

"Steve?!" Was the only words he could manage to get out.
"What's the matter Tony? Not happy to see me?" Steve said as he took off his helmet.
"How! We saw you die! You were dead!" Tony blurred out before Steve charged at him. But not before taking the chip out of the computer and putting it in his belt.
"Was I really dead though? Steve said putting his foot on Tony's chest so he could pin him down.

"I don't understand! How can you be hydra?! Your Captain America! It doesn't make sense!" Tony cried out, his voice full of pain.
Tony couldn't move, not because he was trapped underneath Steve's foot but because his mind was swelling with so many thoughts that his body just wouldn't move.
"You know what's funny Stark? That if I never went under the Ice then you wouldn't have existed." Steve's tone of voice was cruel but his face said otherwise.

"Hydra would've won the war and we would've made your father work for us or just killed him before he could've had you."
Steve said with a smile on his face.
"Steve.. please this isn't you! You're Captain America! Not some hydra agent!" Tony yelled at Steve whom only seemed to smile at him.

"I never wanted to be your stupid Captain America in the first place, it was all just an act Stark. Don't you get that? You never thought at of all the people in the world I would be a Hydra Agent." Steve said with a rather wicked laugh. "This has been fun and all Stark, you were a fun little play thing while it lasted. But it's time the game came to its end." Steve said while crushing Tony's chest with just his foot.

"Goodbye Tony." Steve said with friendly smile on his face as Steve grabbed his Shield and planned to ram it threw Tony and kill him.
"Heil Hydra." Steve before he was knocked over by what looked like Bucky.
Steve grunted a little bit from the slight pain his was caused from being thrown into a wall.
But Steve didn't want to stick around to find out if it was actually Bucky who hit him.

Then he heard Bucky's voice and he felt like his heart had just dropped. The one person he didn't want to see. He didn't want to see the look on Bucky's face when he realised it was Steve there and not some Hydra Agent.
But Steve needed to get Complete his mission no matter what. He couldn't afford to be captured currently. That wasn't his mission, not now at least.

"Tony can you hear me?" Steve heard Bucky say in a worried voice as Steve got up and head locked Bucky from behind.
Steve couldn't bring himself to say anything not yet anyway. He just looked at Bucky's hair for a moment noticing it was shorter, it was like it use to be.

Steve couldn't help but smile at this before  flipping Bucky on his back and putting his hands on Bucky's throat to start choking him.
"Heya Buck. Miss me?" Steve said now putting on his usual fake mocking smile.
Bucky went pale as a ghost at the moment not because of the fact he was being Choked but the fact that Steve, the love of
His life was on top of him wearing a suit with Hydra Symbol on it.

The man he thought was dead, was here and now. Wearing a hydra Symbol on his chest.
"S...Steve?" Was all he could get out before Steve let his hands relax a little.
"Sorry Buck, but really gotta go. Loving the hair though." Steve said before he moved his lips on top of Bucky's to kiss him.
"Missed you Buck." Steve said with a smile before slamming Bucky's head into the ground to knock him unconscious.
After that it didn't take long for Steve to get out of the SHIELD base.
But what he had left behind was Chaos, Confusion and Betrayal.
And it didn't bother him one bit.

A/N I hope you guys enjoy this! Jesus Christ over 1000 words! Longest chapter in a while aha.
Part 3 coming soon! Maybe?

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