Chapter one

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There was a unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach as my name was called. The bright lights over my head seemed to get brighter and make sweat drip down my forhead. With shaky knees and sweaty palms I stood to my feet. My mother never gave me a second glance. She stared forward, her eyes locked on the stage that would decide my fate. I guess she always knew I was bound to leave. Now that the choice is offered to me I found myself more then happy to accept it and make way for my own path. It was uncomfortable making my way through the sea of blue bodies to the front of the room. The blue clothes on my body seemed to betray me. The hole in my chest was clearly visible as my mother stared at me. Her eyes dug deep into me, as if trying to make guilt boil up.I don't know if it was just rebelliion or the fact I had no real emotional attachment to her that made the happiness of getting to leave cover the guilt. When I was younger I used to have respect for her. Listened to every word she spoke. Since the passing of my father I tended to block out her constant complaints because saying that he passed of normal causes would have been a lie.

Upon being handed the small dagger and being placed in front of 5 different bowls, I held out my hand. I felt a ping of pain as I dragged the dagger across my plam creating a thin red line. I jerked my hand out over the bowl that was lined up with where the dauntless sat. They smiled and nudged eachother happly. My lips began to tug up into a small smile as my blood dripped down into the bowl. I knew where I belonged and the dauntless was it. Their way of life would soon be mine and I was more then happy to accept it and throw away the books for knives. The disappointing glares from the Erudite made my stomach drop. I walked to the line of other teenagers that had picked dautless. The one infront of me turned to face me. A smile across his face and a welcoming hand streched out for me to take. He had gray on suggesting Abnegation. His blond hair fell across his forehead the way most abnegation men's hair did. My dark black hair was shaggy and fell down below my ears. i had to jerk my head to the side to clear my vision every now and then.

"I'm Tobias," He spoke up as I took his hand and shook it. I wondered what he was leaving behind why he decided to leave. The bruises under the collar of his shirt told me all I needed to know.

"Eric." I replyed. I tried to contain my excitment as the dauntless stood and started to file out the door. A man with long black and blond hair, clearly dyed, yelled at us to follow him. His feet left the ground as he sprented out the door. We followed close behind. I stuck close to Tobis. His confidence was reminding me why I choose to leave Erudite. I laughed as the wind pushed my hair back out of my face. Running was not something I was aloud to do in Erudite. All I was really aloud to do was sit in my room with a book in my hand. I had a hard time keeping up with the abnegation boy. My eyes widened as the sound of a train speeding down tracks filled my ears. Excitement poured over me. I was doing it I was leaving behind everyone who judged me. Everyone who had pushed me down telling me I wasn't smart enough for Erudite, Kind enough for Abnegation, honest enough for candor, or brave enough for dauntless. They didn't matter now. I was free as soon as my hand grabbed the bar on the train and I lifted myself into the cart. Tobias trailed behind me boarding the train not to long after me. We exchanged smiles and laughs as the train moved down the tracks.

He sat on the floor and motioned for me to join him. Once seated he began to try to spark up converstation, "So Eric right?" I gave a slight nod. "What do you think initation is gonna be like?" Not wanting to speak I offered another shrug. "You don't talk much do you?" Tobis asked.

I saw no reason in staying quiet much longer so I spoke up, "Not really, depends on the day" For some reason the abnegation boy found this funny and laughed ignoring it I continued, "I heard it's gonna be bunch of throwing knives at people's heads and jumping off trains but thats just a guess." My lips curled into a smile. Todias stood to his feet and helped me to mine after. I watched the buildings pass by in blurs. Tobias pointed at people leaping off the train and hurling themselves onto a roof top. My ping of excitement hit me as I braced myself for our turn. Multipule people refused to jump. I wandered what it is like to just pick to be factionless to just willingly give up your shot of belonging somewhere. I let Tobias jump first. Clenching my fists my feet left the ground. My landing wasn't so graceful neither was Tobias's. In a scamble to our feet we rushed to the edge of the roof where we were told by the dauntless that had us follow him before instructed us to leap of the building.

It seemed idiotic to jump off a 40 story building into a black hole where I wasn't fairly sure there would be anything to catch us. My legs felt like jello as a dauntless born climbed onto the ledge. A few of his friends cheered him on. My guess was his name was Zeke because thats what they yelled out to him. He leaned forward and let his body get pulled down. Within a second his body disappeared in the darkness. I shallowed hard and climbed up onto the ledge. The wind almost knocked me over and I struggled to keep my balance. I thought of my mother and how she'd hate to see me now and how it would eat her up inside to see her son leap off a building in the faith he could trust the dauntless. I'd be lying if I said I cared. She was never a mother, mearly the nudge I needed to push myself to hold my hand over the bowl that would make me a dauntless. My body leaned forward and as my feet left the edge I closed my eyes. Gravity pulled on me dragging me down. The falling wasn't what scared me. That was heaven. What scared me was the destination. My body slammed into a net. My eyes jerked open as a hand pulled me out of the net and to solid ground. It was Zeke the boy that jumped first. His face showed nothing but respect.

"Congrats, Eric. You've passed the first test" His lips turned up into a smile and I couldn't help but do the same. I was going to do whatever it took to be the best. I was going to everything in my power.

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