"Ally!" I hear Lilly and Ty shout. I jump against Abel looking up to see them.

    "Holy shit!" Ty gasps surprised. "How come she gets her idol, I didn't get Beyoncé?" Ty pouts. Lilly hits him over the head making me groan, and Abel just chuckles watching him. He looks down at me as I glance up to him.

"What made you choose my album?" He asks, smiling his too perfect smile. My heart nearly stops from it. I feel my cheeks heat up making me look away.

"She is kind of obsessed."

"More than kind of." Lilly laughs. Ty nudges her with his elbow making her glare at him. Abel laughs more hugging me a little tighter.

"Are you now?" He questions amused. I feel myself blush harder, and tears prick my eyes more as everything hits me. I'm in his arms... holy shit! The tears start falling again, and he looks to me with worry in his eyes. "Ally, are you okay?" He asks, concern clear in his voice.

    "Shit, Ty she's crying." I hear Lilly, and then I feel them come towards me. I just burry my face into Abel's chest taking in his scent. I can't quite tell what it is, but I can't get enough of him. I breath in his scent to calm my nerves, and it actually helps. My cries turn into just sniffles, and I finally bring myself to look up. I just realize he has been rubbing my back trying to calm me down.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I look into his dark chocolatey brown eyes, and they seem to be studying me. I smile up to him nodding once at him shyly.

"Yeah," I breathe. "I'm okay now." I look down to the ground, and see Ty and Lilly's shoes next to us. I look up to them, and they watch me curiously.

"I thought you were joking about the whole crying thing." Lilly says. I give her a pointed look.

"What do you mean?" Abel asks.

"Oh, Ally said that when she actually met you she would cry." Ty says looking to Abel. He lets me go as we hear more people coming. We look to see Miss Dawson with my family coming over to us. Eli runs over to me with the biggest smile on his face.

"Ally!" I squat down to his level, and he tackles me in a hug. "You did amazing!" He cheers. I smile at him before I kiss his cheek making him giggle. I let him go, and his eyes automatically go to behind me. His blue eyes practically bug out of his head seeing the famous star behind me. I stand up straight, and watch Eli walk over to Abel, gaining his full attention.

    "Are you here to make my sister famous?" He asks innocently. I choke on air making all eyes look to me. Abel's brown eyes lock with mine, and I can feel my heart stop for a good second.

    "Well," he sighs looking to my brother. "I was actually on my way to my hotel I'm staying at, but I heard my music being played and wanted to check it out." Abel explains. Eli nods his head, but I know he didn't understand it.

    "But, now you will get her famous?" He asks. Abel chuckles.

    "We will see. She sure has an amazing voice." He says. His eyes look up to meet mine, and I can feel my face heat up and my heart race from his words. He just said my voice is amazing... holy shit!

    "Yay! Ally!" Eli cheers turning towards me. I smile down at him, as my heart hammers in my chest wanting to become free.

    "Are you going to my concert?" Abel asks. I sigh shaking my head looking to the ground. I can feel him step towards me, but I try to ignore it. "Why not?" He asks gently. I look up to him hearing everyone else talking with each other.

"It was sold out, and I was told I couldn't go. I'm sorry." I say. He furrows his eyebrows at me.

"Why are you sorry?" He asks.

"Ally, come on we need to head home. Thank you for surprising our daughter, but it is late." My mom says picking up my brother. He rubs his eyes tiredly as he yawns resting his head on her shoulder. I look to Abel and give him a sad smile.

"Well, I got to go. It was nice meeting you, and I love your music." I say. He smiles, a little forced, and hugs me one more time.

"I'll see you again." He whispers in my ear.

His Angel (completed)Where stories live. Discover now