Chapter 2

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WHEN DID IT start? Well, maybe around his preteen years. Though he had managed to let those feelings go, it seemed like they were coming back to haunt poor little Jyushimatsu. He didn't realize it, but he began to eat less. And he found out the hard way that if he ate what would have been considered his regular amount months ago now, it'd end up coming out of his mouth. Usually, it seemed to be narrowed to cereal, maybe a pear or two, and then less than half of what's for dinner. Or ramen instead.

"Jyushimatsu, how about we go to the park nearby?" Osomatsu suggested. Even with these changes, Jyushimatsu acted cheery constantly as to not worry his brothers. He was enough of a burden. Even if his appetite was gone, the majority of his energy remained. "Really?! Can we play baseball?!" Jyushimatsu began to practice swinging an imaginary bat in excitement. His eldest brother grinned. "Hah, yeah sure. As long as you don't accidentally kill a guy," he said. "Yes! Baseball! Baseball! Baseball! Baseball!" Jyushimatsu chanted excitedly.

Even if he could practice on his own, the yellow brother liked it better when someone else was with him. Normally it'd be Ichimatsu, but he was out at a cat shelter doing voluntary work. Karamatsu was being edgy, Todomatsu was at his work. And Choromatsu was. . . Doing things. That meant Osomatsu and Jyushimatsu remained. It'd be nice to hang out with his little brother, as long as he doesn't try to commit arson or something.

They both put on shoes as they were already in their regular outfits and headed off. Jyushimatsu followed behind Osomatsu at a steady pace and had a bat in his hand while Oso threw up the baseball and caught it. When they reached an area of the park, Jyushimatsu started screaming and readied the bat. "Ready? Here I go!" Osomatsu threw it, and Jyushimatsu hit it at full force. The ball caught fire. It was also flung into space.

Osomatsu whistled. "Next! Next!" Somehow, Jyushimatsu summoned another ball and tossed it lightly to his older brother, who caught with ease. "Try to make sure you don't fling it to space this time please," added the red hooded male. "Sure, sure!" The ball had been thrown to the bat, and Jyushimatsu hit it. Rather than it going up in flames and into outer space, it had landed in a high tree, then immediately fell off. It wasn't too far, so Osomatsu said," I'll go get it!"

"No need!" There was another ball in Jyushimatsu's, who hadn't moved, hand. Osomatsu glanced at him. Where is he getting all these balls? This is freaking me out a bit, he thought. But everything was freaky with the Matsuno brothers. Osomatsu simply let his brother do what he wanted. When the sun was setting, they had decided it was time to get going. Jyushimatsu walked, with his large smile still present on his face. To him, today had gone by like any day. Hell, Osomatsu was probably proud of himself. He probably thought Jyushimatsu was praising him internally and that he'd done a great job of playing with him.

Yeah, get a reward for dealing with the nuisance of the house. He'd probably start ignoring him within time, as would everyone, to the point it wouldn't matter if he was there or not. Actually, he supposed it already didn't. He was too loud and too annoying, so why would he ever need to be there?

"Jyushimatsu? Hey," Osomatsu called. Jyushimatsu looked up. He'd stopped walking and the older brother was some 3 yards away. And without realizing it, he also was scratching at his hand. Jyushimatsu glanced for a moment, then looked at Osomatsu, who looked slightly concerned. "Ah, yeah, just wondering about what Choromatsu-niisan might be fapping to today. Is it Nyaa-chan? Random porn? Who knows," he shrugged as he caught up to him.

Crap, I said that too quick. He might get suspicious. Osomatsu laughed, but that didn't calm down Jyushi. "Haha! Knowing him, he's probably going all out to porn fanart he found of Nyaa-chan." Osomatsu had his arms behind his head. When they arrived, Ichimatsu and Choromatsu had yet to join the other brothers. "Hey, Jyushimatsu, what happened to your hand?" Karamatsu asked. He remembered him scratching at it while distracted. It was red, and looked like it was about to bleed. "Oh, I got that from playing baseball! It's not easy defying the laws of logic," Jyushimatsu simply stated, like it was an everyday thing.

Karamatsu didn't have a chance to question him further, since the fourth brother arrived and said," I'm home." Ichimatsu was wearing his different clothes, Jyushimatsu noticed. A grey polo and black jeans. And rather than his sandals were instead some regular shoes without laces. "Oh, welcome back, Ichimatsu-niisan," Todomatsu greeted, looking up at his phone for only a second. "How did today go?"

"I went out to feed the cats, and I went to volunteer at the shelter. But we had to bathe cats, and since cats are hell when it comes to water, I was drenched within minutes. Someone gave me this. My clothes are in this bag," Ichimatsu told them. He lifted a plastic bag to prove his point. "You're quite talkative today, Ichimatsu," Osomatsu commented. "Well you asked about how my day was, am I offending you? Was that wrong? Should I ignore you next time?" replied the normal looking brother.

Maybe that's why he's so pissy, Todomatsu silently thought as he scrolled through his social media.

"What's going on?" Choromatsu walked in. He wiped his hands on his pants for a moment before sitting next to Osomatsu. It was then he realized what Ichimatsu was wearing. He looked at the eldest. "What's he. . .?" Osomatsu only replied," don't ask," at his confused brother. "Yeah, don't ask since I'll just bore you to death anyways!" Ichimatsu was getting kind of petty. "I wish," Jyushimatsu scoffed lightly, not intending his for his brothers to hear.

"What was that?" asked the green hooded brother. "Say, you've been kind of quiet, Jyushimatsu," pointed out Karamatsu. Karamatsu was cleaning his sunglasses with a grey fabric. "Like you have room to talk. You haven't said shit since I came in here either so piss off," Ichimatsu retorted. "Ah, it's fine. I was only thinking about the Nyaa-chan related M-18 fanart on Choromatsu-niisan's phone and where he found them," Jyushimatsu said. That's not true. He was just watching, and listening. Like he wasn't even there. There was no reason to that he could see, but it seemed like vanishing would be a better option than being here. He didn't like the attention on him like this.

"Eh?! Where did you find those?!"

"Find a new hiding place, Choromatsu-niisan. I've seen it all!" Jyushimatsu said in reply. It's true, he had seen it all. When he was looking in the bathroom under the sink for unknown reason and stumbled on a closed thin box in the corners. It had a lock, but for someone Inhumane like Jyushimatsu, it was easy to open it using other methods than a combination. And the box was flowing with hentai of his favorite idols.

"Huh? Really? Why didn't you ever tell us!" yelled Osomatsu. Jyushimatsu backed a bit. "Oh boy, this is getting interesting," commented Todomatsu. Ichimatsu was in the corner with the ESP kitty in his hands. Karamatsu was practicing expressions with his sunglasses in the mirror. Both had their attention on Choromatsu, who was very red and covering his face in shame. "What are you, an anime school girl? Lighten up!" Osomatsu slapped Choromatsu's back.

"I'll go get the sword!" Jyushimatsu exclaimed and lifted himself up. "Huh? For what?" Ichimatsu asked as he looked up. "We have a sword in this house?" the second and third brother asked simultaneously. Jyushimatsu looked at them and grinned, more like smirked, darkly.


I am shit [Jyushimatsu]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя