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~Ava Pov~
Someday I will learn to get through my scars. I have no where to go. I can't go home or I know I will only get hurt worse. I was with my best friend. Rose Kennedy. She knew me better then anyone else. She was the one think that made me happy. I knew what would happen to me if I went home with my dad. Abuse. Everyday...Abuse. I hate him. "Why don't you just run?" Asked Rose. "I can't you know I can't. They'll find me." "Come with me. It will be safer." Suggested Rose. I thought about it once or twice but I couldn't "I can't..I'm sorry Rose. But I have to go it's late and you know what will happen." I hugged her and left. To get home I had to go through 3 turns and there's my house. I walked into the darkness of the ally. I thought I was seeing figures but it just my mind playing me. I had powers it went through the line of my family. I had telepathy, illusion, and invisibility. I couldn't use to much or I could get hurt but I used just a little invisibility to last until I got home. I kept feeling like someone was watching me. But they couldn't see me so it didn't make sense. They I felt a hand cover my mouth. Whoever it was pulled me into a dead end. I kick them I bit them until they let me go. "WHAT THE HELL?!?" I screamed and then I saw a very tall man with pale skin and pinkish eyes. "W-who are you?" I said trembling. My dad had cut me earlier and the man grabbed me where the cut was and now I was hurting. "It's okay Lady Black, I am not here to hurt you." Said the man. "I am Sebastian Michaelis, and I am the head butler of Ciel Phantomhive." Then a boy who looked merely 14 came towards me. But I was still confused. I was invisible! How did he see me!? "Miss Black I'm afraid you'll have to come with us. I am Ciel Phantomhive and I'm here to save you." "From what? I don't need to be saved." I said with an attitude. I tried to walk away but Sebastian got a handle of me. "From home. From your abuse. I know what's happening to you and I want to help you." Said Ciel. I held back my tears. Because I didn't want him to see. He touched my face. "It's going to be okay." I smiled. "It's a very kind offer but I'm going to have to decline." I said trying to walk away again. "I'm very sorry Miss but it wasn't an offer." Was the last word I heard from Sebastian. Then I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine. "W-where am I?" Then I saw a girl who looked like a maid standing in the corner of the room looking anxious. "Um...Miss Black I'm here to get you dressed from the order of Sebastian. I'm Mey-Rin." "Hello. Um okay." I just decided to do what she said because I didn't want to get hurt by Sebastian or Ciel. She dressed me in something I would never wear but decided to do it. It was a pink puffy dress with lace. I went downstairs and saw Ciel. "Why did you bring me here? I can't be here." "Well, you needed to be saved and well I saved you." He said in a arrogant tone. "I told you I didn't need to be saved." He just smiled. Sebastian put a plate in front of me with what looked like a salad and tea. "Thank you." I sat down I might as well just take what I had as long as I had to be there. I tasted the tea and smiled. "It's earl grey." Said Ciel. "Hmm I've heard of it somewhere. But that's besides the point how were you able to see me? I was invisible. Ciel just looked at Sebastian. "Well, Miss Black whenever you feel scared or lonely I will be able to see you." I was confused. "But how?" "It's just a mental power that I have." I looked at Ciel. "Could you see me too?" "Of course not when he held you your powers dimed to where I could see you." I just smiled still confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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