texting Ethan (E)

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Based on a conversation with @oscardiaz556 don't tag him but he turned out to be a creepy stalker of mine and things he said would make me uncomfortable. I had to go to guidance to get early release from school to avoid him as much as possible. He said he "did nothing wrong to her" to CristinaCanedo but I'll let y'all decide if you'd be creeped out.

Ethan: heyy

You:  heyy

Ethan: I was waiting for your text on the bus
Ethan: I thought you weren't gonna text me

You: aw I'm sorry
You: but I'm here now

Ethan: Y/n (spelled wrong) what do you think of me?

You: it's Y/n actually
You: what do you mean?

Ethan: Y/n** but can I call you y/n/n? And I just wanna know what do you think of me. When you see me what does your mind say..

3:18 pm
Ethan: you must be busy. Nice talking to you. Talk to you later then

You: sorry, I'm back
You: if you wanna call me that, it's fine. I think you're nice and sweet and funny why

Ethan: cause I like talking to you :)
Ethan: wanted to know if you did as well

You: of course
You: what are u up to?

Ethan: watching something hbu
Ethan: and you really don't like talking to anyone at school?

You: I'm studying, and it's not that I don't like anyone I guess no one from school likes me.

Ethan: I like you :)
Ethan: and should I let you study in peace?

You: aw thanks
You: no it's ok, you can stay.

Ethan: I can stay xD
Ethan: and what are you studying for?

You: history hw
You: what are you watching again?

Ethan: Tremor, it's a movie xD have you ever watched it? Do you like me back? xD xD xD
Ethan: it's ok if u don't
Ethan: just be honest

You: oh I'm sorry but we've know each other for 2 days

Ethan: well I mean it's cool  just as long as u honest

You: do you still wanna talk to me

Ethan: of course why wouldn't I
Ethan: do you

You: ok good and yeah
You: do you have insta

Ethan: TheRealEthanDolan

You: I followed you

Ethan: followed you back. You haven't posted any new photos :/ I was hoping to see more photos of you
Ethan: like in your pfp, you look very cute

You: lol sorry I haven't posted in awhile but I'm thinking of restarting

Ethan: new ig account?

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