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•Lola's Pov

The week went by and it was finally Sunday! We have 3 days off this week, which I'm looking forward too.

I was on my computer fangirling over one direction when my skype went off.

The skype name 'gagahoran6969' came up on the screen.

"Shit!" I said to myself. I pushed the accept button and the screen was black.

"Hello?" I asked. "You alone?" The man asked. "Umm yeah..." I said.

"Okay let's get to business!"

"What kind of business?"

"If I tell you who I am, promise me you won't tell anyone?"

"I promise!"

"You can't freak out either!"

"Okay, I won't! Now who are you!!"

The man removed the pillow from the screen so I could see his face. I was shocked at first.


"N... Ni... Niall?"


"So it was you this whole time!?"

"Yeah.. Sorry I didn't tell you sooner!"

"You could've!"

"I wasn't suppose to! Your not suppose to know who I am so I gotta go! I'll text ya!"

Before I had the chance to respond he disconnected.

Lola- hello?

Jared- hey baby!

Lola- hey! How you doing?

Jared- good! Wanna go to the movies later?

Lola- hmm I'll have to ask Taner!

Jared- tell him Melissa's coming too!

Lola- haha okay!

Jared- Brandon's coming to so you can invite Jess?

Lola- okay! I'll text her!

Jared- see ya lateen

Lola- love ya! I'll text you when I know!

Jared- love you too!

I hung up and raced downstairs. "Taner can I go to movies with Jared?" I asked. "I guess so!" Taner agreed. "Melissa's going too so you can go also!" I smirked. "Hmm okay I'll go too!" Taner said blushing.

I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone.

Lola- hey we can go!! Taners gonna come to so tell Melissa!!

Babe😘😘- yay!! Can't wait!

Lola- hey wanna go to movies with me Jared and Brandon??

JESSSS😍😍- sure! It should be fun!!

Lola- need a ride?

JESSS😍😍- yes please!

Lola- okay we'll pick you up later!

I ran back downstairs with my phone in my hand. "Taner can we give jess a ride?" I asked. "Sure I guess! What time?" Taner asked. "Umm i don't know, I'll ask Jared!" I said unlocking my phone.

Lola- hey what times the movie?

Babe😘😘- 7 so dinner first?

Lola- sure, dinner at what time?

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