Little thorn

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It was in the middle of the night, I had put Rose down for the night when I got the idea to go out of the house to look at the stars. I figured it would be nice to see them, maybe even he was looking up at them, missing me. Jumping up onto the roof I made myself comfortable as I looked up at the stars, which seemed to be colder than what I remembered.

" Why haven't you called?"

I whispered, bringing my knees up to my chest as tears started to fall. I shouldn't be here, I should be by his side, but he was doing this for Rose. Our baby.

" It's a bit late don't you think?"

Red walked down over to where I was sitting, flopping down next to me. I shrugged, but leaned onto his shoulder, letting out a sigh.

" It hurts so much Red, I don't think I can take it anymore. Why hasn't he called, why hasn't written a letter? It's just not fair! We have been through hell and back, WE DON'T DESERVE THIS AT ALL. OUR FAMILY IS BROKEN AND I REFUSE TO GIVE UP MY SOULMATE. I THOUGHT I LOST HIM ONCE AND IF I CANNOT HAVE THE ONE PERSON-"

I couldn't continue, it felt like my chest was splitting open. Sobbing I brought my knees back to my chest and buried my head into my arms. Every thing that we had ever went through, he had been there for me, for all of us. Without him life was so different, so foreign, that it was horrible. He was our glue. And if I gave up on him then I could be giving up on the person who I could give my entire life up for. Arms wrapped around me and I was lifted up into Red's arms. He pulled me onto his lap and just held me there, letting me cry.

" I know the pain you are going through, it's unbelievable the pain you have to face. I know I have to be a big brother for once and kick his ass when he does come home. But I also have to kick yours for being someone you aren't. My Ellie is someone who never lets herself fall, never lets herself get so down it changes her true person. She is a strong woman who would never take no for an answer, who would fight to get what she wants, and will give her life to prove a point. Who was torchered yet never fully broke. She might have got knocked back a bit but she always kicked ass when she felt like it. She gave hell to a high ranking director of a hidden government branch who would rather kick her idiot brothers ass than hers. Got away with anything until it led back to her. What the hell happened to her? I want her back."

His voice seemed to rise a slight octave, when I looked up I saw that he was crying too,

" I miss him too Ellie, he was like my brother. Always being there for my stupid plots telling me they would never work. He was the one who kept you from ripping off my head. He got you to speak up about when you were pissed. He kept me from making some of the most stupid choices regarding Liz. I miss him too."

I let out a snotty laugh. Reaching up to wipe away a tear. So we sat there crying and laughing as we thought about the past, how much we were pain in the asses to Abe and Dad. For once in a very long time I was able to think about happy moments in life other than missing him.

" How about this, when he gets here, you kiss him while I kick his ass."

Red stated as he came back with about three packs of beers. What a lifesaver.

-time skip morning-

I was still drink when the sun rose, I knew that Liz would get Rose for me as I sat on the couch, beer in hand as i watched Tv. Red and I got a scolding from Liz because we desided, drunk as we were, to set up the christmas tree. It was pretty, she was just being an asssshole.


It was coming out of my mouth, but I didn't feel like it was me saying it. But the pain was gone. Alcohol was a god send. Chugging the beer down I let out a burp. I like this stuff. Before Abe left I wouldn't drink too much, but now. To hell with it. Let this bad habit begin!

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