Chapter 2: The Search

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Two days after, Barry was able to get the rest he needed and he was back on his feet. He was gearing up with Cisco, about to enter the multiverse; ready to possibly find another speedster. But hopefully, another Barry Allen.

"Alright, operation Flashy Search is underway" said Cisco with excitement.

"Really? Flashy Search, that's the best you could come up with?" Caitlin asked.

"Hey, I'm sorry alright? We just experienced a loss and I'm not really on my A game right now." Cisco replied. While Cisco finished going full on Vibe, Barry sat and waited.

"Um Cisco, I'm sorry but I need to talk to Iris and Joe. Telling them the news about Wally and not being able to see them just isn't right. They're my family. I won't be too long."

"Yeah man, do what you gotta do." Barry ran to CCPD. He looked for Joe and didn't find him. "Joe never misses a day of work" he thought. "Captain Singh, where's Joe?"

"You're asking me, Allen? How would I know? I was looking for you, hoping you'd have the answer." With this in mind Barry ran to Joe's house. He found him laying on the couch, with many open beer bottles on the table. Barry had a disappointed look on his face.


"--Save it Barr. I know. There's nothing that you can say or do that can change this."

"I'm sorry, you're a great dad. Not just to me, but to him as well. Look, I promise you Cisco and I have a plan. We're gonna get help and we're gonna beat Savitar once and for all."

"I want to believe you Barr but, I just lost a son. We were now getting to know each other and having our father-son moments. I don't really want to hear about possibilities."

"I understand. Can you at least tell me where Iris is?"

"She's at her job. Now please leave me alone."

"Thanks." Barry said as he turned with his head down. He closed the door and went off to find Iris. He stopped right outside of Picture News. Barry looked through the window to find Iris head deep in paperwork. He walked in and came up behind her, "Iris? I'm sorry. How are you feeling?"

"Oh my, Barry, ugh hi." She hugged him tightly and said, "I'm not exactly better but, I'm not like my dad. I assume you saw him already?"

"Yeah, and he wasn't the Joe I'm used to. But I can only expect that mood from him."

"I'm sorry, but you know, he loves his kids. And being that he just met Wally not too long ago..." Barry sat down with his head in his hands. "Barry, it's okay. I don't blame you for this. No one knew that this would happen. You had your thinking and you went with it."

"I'm glad you don't hate me and all but, I've come to tell you that Cisco and I have made a plan. We're going into the multiverse to look for other speedsters. But, hopefully there's another Flash that's a Barry Allen. Trust me, once we find him, Savitar will be gone forever. I love you Iris."

"I love you too Barr. Be careful out there, Central City still needs you." They kissed.

"I will, I promise." From there, Barry ran back to S.T.A.R. Labs. "Alright Cisco, are we good to go?"

"Yes, young padawan." Cisco said laughing.

"I don't think it's the right time for jokes Cisco." Cisco's smile changed to a frown quickly.

"Right, sorry for trying to brighten your day with a little Star Wars humor. I mean come on, who hates Star Wars?" 

"Allen, I heard what happened. I'm sorry about Wallace." Said Julian, now entering S.T.A.R. Labs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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