Chapter 7

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From what you could tell, The time travel device had worked. After it was activated, it only took a few moments before you were transported to... somewhere. You didn't know exactly where. Seeing as how the device didn't seem to have the ability to specify a specific location, it was anyones guess as to where you, Loki and Thor ended up. You looked around a bit, and you automatically knew that something went wrong. The three of you were standing in a small alleyway of what looked to be an old town. It looked like one of those cliche towns that you see in western movies.

You looked up at Thor with an angered expression and then began to yell at him. "You Nitwit! What the hell did you do?! We were sent back to far!" You didn't even let Thor get a word in edge-wise. You looked at the time travel device that he was still holding. "Gimme that!" You quickly snatched it from his hands and slipped the watch-like object over your wrist, just to make sure you could keep it out of Thor reach. "I'm going to do the date setting from now on!"

"I am sorry." Thor said. "I have not used this device before, and Father only briefly explained it."

You let out an annoyed sigh at Thor foolishness. Besides that, figuring out where and when you were was the only thing on your mind right now. You walked up to a man that was passing by you and very politely asked him, "Excuse me sir, Do you by chance know what day it is?"

"Yes, it's Sunday."

"No," You shook your head. "the date."

"The 23rd." He answered you.


"...January." The man gave you a weird look and back up from you a bit.

"The year, man! The year!" You replied in a frustrated tone. "What year is it?"


"Thank you!" The man still gave you an odd look. "Geez. Look at me like I'M crazy."

He turned around and then quickly walked away from you.

You walked back over to Thor and Loki. For a minute, you didn't say anything. "January 23rd, 1848." You stated. You knew exactly where you were now. Or... when you were at least.

"What is so significant about that date?" Thor asked you.

"This day is just 1 day before gold is going to be discovered at Sutter's mill in California." You said. "This is the start of the California gold rush."

"Couldn't we just reset the device to the correct date and activate it again?" Loki said.

"Yeah, It should work fine." You replied, "We can't be here anyways."

"And why is that?" Thor asked you.

"This was a major event in American History. If we mess even one thing up, it could potentially drastically alter the future." You explained. "I may not know anything about time travel, but I do know that you can't screw up the past." You looked down at the device on your wrist. You tried to turn the dials forward to go to the correct date, but it didn't work. The dials wouldn't move the way you wanted them to. "Huh? Somethings wrong..."

"What is it?" Loki asked as he looked at the device.

"The dials won't go forward... They'll only go farther back in time."

"That's odd." Thor said. "Father never said anything like that would happen."

"Maybe he didn't know." Loki replied.

"He was the one who recovered the artifact, he had to have known."

Before the two of them could even begin to argue with each other you interveened. "I don't care whether or not he knew this was going to happen. You two are not realizing the severity of this situation!"

"Could we not just simply return to Asgard?" Thor said. "We can go and seek assistance there."

"Look," You replied. "I don't know how you guys age where your from, but this day happened 165 years ago. This is before any of us were even born."

"But how would that prevent our return to-"

"You're not getting this!" You nearly shouted at Thor. "Going back in time, I would guess that we'd all assume the roles of your past selves. But, we're in a time where we don't even exist yet!" Before Thor could even ask anything, you continued speaking. "That means that neither of you have the ability to call to that gatekeeper guy so you wouldn't be able to return to asgard even if you tried!"

"For someone who doesn't know anything about time travel, you sure figured it out easily." Loki said to you.

"It's common sense mostly." You said in reply. You then sighed. This was not what you had expected to happen. You had never planned for anything even remotly like this. You thought that everything was going to go smoothly and you even had a plan on how to get Sliepnir out of the stable and knew where to relocate him. But that plan has been thrown down the drain.

You may have been the only one that realized how bad of a situation you three were now in.

The time travel device won't work.

You can't go forward in time.

You, Loki, Thor, all three of you...

were stuck,

in 1848.

Stallion(LokixReader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ