I Love You....

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Blaine's POV

This is the day that your going tell Kurt you love him, and your going to do it right here, right now!

Blaine: Hey Wes, have you seen Kurt by any chance?
Wes: He's in the library, why?

Blaine: Just wondering.

I ran to the library only to find Kurt reading a book by the window.

Blaine: Hey!

Kurt: Oh Blaine, I didn't know that you would be here.

Blaine: I just wanted to see if you were adjusting with Dalton and all.
Kurt: I'm doing fine, thank you.

Blaine: Um, Kurt?

Kurt: Yes?

You can do it Blaine, you can do it!
Blaine: Kurt, what I want to tell you is....

Kurt: Is what?

Blaine: I love you!

Kurt: R-Really!
Blaine: Yes, really!

Kurt: I never knew that a guy like you would ever like a weird person like-
I cut his sentence by giving him a passionate kiss, I never wanted to let go, but I had to...to at least tell him that he isn't weird.

Blaine: Kurt....you're not weird....you're so handsome.

Kurt: I am?

Blaine: Of course you are.
Kurt: W-Wow.

We kissed once again, until Wes and Nick came into the room!
Wes: My ship has come true!

Nick: So cute!
Blaine: Guys!

Kurt: Do you mind?
They both averted eyes, and we kissed again, but I swear Wes and Nick both opened their eyes to see the kiss!

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