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((Frankie's POV))

'where am i....where's daddy? hungry...and cold...I want daddy...he said he'd be right long has it been? scared..'-

All these thoughts were going through my head but there was one that absolutely terrified me more than anything and I was even afraid to think of it...'what if daddy left me here because I was a bad boy and he doesn't love me anymore...'.

Soft whimpers leave me as I emerge from the dark, cold alley and into the noisy dangerous streets of the bad side of New Jersey. Immediately as I start to slowly walk down the sidewalk trying to find my way around, a group of people frown and give me terrible looks, they whispers amongst themselves and laugh before walking off. I whimper and hug myself tightly, I have on a onesie that I had on before me and daddy went to the store but its still so cold that even that cant keep me warm.

I hold my little tail close to me as I continue to walk, the wind begins to pick up more and more and hours pass before I end up at a small park where I hide under the slide to try to block most of the cold wind. Curls up and begins crying and letting out small whimpers no longer begin able to contain it, im scared and all alone, nobody likes nekos...that's why we're so rare because people rather hurt us or not have us around. 'what's gonna happen to me?'


((Gerard's POV))

Its far to late for me to be out here around the park in Jersey..i mean for heavens sake I may as well be asking to be stabbed or worse.

The reason I'm out here so late is because i was at a friends house before he started getting too touchy and being a huge dick when I told him to cut it out, I'm not even sure why he did it he has no interest in me or at least not that I know now I'm here, walking home at 11pm at night in the middle of a creepy ass park where I could possibly get murdered and it'll be all because of that damn idiot.

As I'm walking I hear something near the big slides and swing set and immediately all I can think is 'shit that's it...that's the end for going to actually die..'.

I start to speed walk trying to get past them faster but that's when I realize that the noise I'm hearing is crying, stops. 'a murderer wouldn't cry would they? it a kid? if its a creep that's trying to lure me in..gahh!..but what if its a kid..' I stand there hesitantly ready to run if needed but I cant seem to just get myself to leave.

'dammit gee! what if someone is hurt and you're just standing here like a big baby'

I muster up all the courage I can and go towards the noise, half way there I realize I can't see a damn thing so I turn the flashlight on my phone on to help.

Immediately I spot a small curled up figure under the slide in what seems to be a...dinosaur onesie??

'way are they here?..are they okay?....obviously not moron they're crying!'

I go towards the small crying figure and my hear breaks a little as I hear their small weak whimper, speaks softly so I wont scare them.

"hey...are you okay? are you hurt?"

Immediately they let out a small...hiss???.. and back away against the slide as they look at me fearfully. Its a young boy, probably around my age.

"hey its okay, I wont hurt you sugar...why are you out here all alone, its freezing"

He lets out a small whimper and sniffles as he wipes his tears away, for a moment he doesn't seem like hes going to speak but then he whines softly.

"I d-don't know where I am....m-m-my daddy left me in an alley.."

I frown and sit down hoping he'll see that I mean him no harm, poor little guy..hes so afraid. "its okay, sugar....look let focus on getting you out of then cold okay?".

I reach forward and gently take his cold shaking hand. "its okay, sugar. c'mon" I slowly guide him out not want to startle him any more than he already is. To my surprise he actually cooperates with me.

He properly stands up and lets out a little whine from the cold wind, that's when I notice his little black tail...he's a Neko..I cant help but smile as I realize this, I've always thought Nekos were just the cutest while others disagreed but I never understood why.

I notice how he continues to shiver and look around in fear and uncertainty then he looks up at me and softly paws at my shoulder and shirt, smiles and lifts him up into my arms where he immediately clings and nuzzles his face against my neck, his small tail wrapping around my wrist.

Smiles as I make my way home. "its okay little neko, you're going to be okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2017 ⏰

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