Jess smiled, "he's growing up so fast."

"Too fast. How'd your summer go? Tom's not working to hard?"

"Oh no, he won't be off the couch till after I get home."

Carrie passed by her, spreading out more papers. "How's Harrison?"

She smiled. "Good. Grumpy in the morning as usual."

"I can't see him being grumpy."

Carrie laughed. "You should see him getting up at 6 in the morning."

Just then, her phone buzzed in her back pocket. Pulling it out, she saw it was a picture of Adam with his book bag. She showed it to Jess.

"He's so cute!"

Jess handed her phone back as Harrison called. "Somebody wanted to say hi to mommy," her husbands voice said through the phone.

"Hi mommy!"

"Hi buddy! I saw the picture daddy took of you. You do good in school today, okay?"

"I will mommy!"

"I'll see you after school. I love you."

"I love you mommy!"

Carrie smiled. "And I love you too," Harrison said.

"I love you. And don't forget-"

"Adam has to be at school by 8," he finished for her. "Yeah I remember."

"Just checking."

"I'll see you later sweetheart. Have a good day," he said before hanging up.

Jess sighed from behind her. "I wish I had kids."

Carrie laughed. "You can watch mine anytime."

"I think I might take up your offer."

"Good, Harrison and I can go out for dinner sometime."

She stacked more papers at the very end of her desk. "Harrison going to play football again? There's been plenty of rumors going around."

"No," she answered.

"Why not?"

"He didn't want to, and with another kid on the way in the near future."

Jess held up a hand. "Wait... you're pregnant?"

"No no no," Carrie answered looking down. "Not yet."

"What's this 'not yet'?"

"Harrison and I were thinking about having another kid."

"Ohhh," she said, a smile crossing her face.


"Nothing. I taught you well," she said, picking up a stack of worksheets.

Carrie nodded. "You did."

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