15 Things to do When Your Bored

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1.) Put vanilla pudding in a mayo jar and eat it in public

2.)Go to a furniture store and get in a wardrobe. Everytime someone walks by, step out and say "IM BACK FROM NARNIA! how long was I gone?!"

3.) Go up to a person with a long nose and ask them it they've been lying

4.) stalk sexy people through the store

5.) wake up in the morning feeling like P ditty

6.) Take a nap

7.) Pretend to be a dog and bark at people

8.) Slap your BFF

9.) Roll around like a ninja

10.) Spend hours online

11.) Shoot people with a Nerf gun

12.) Become Tarzan

13.) Kidnap your favorite singer

14.) Build a Lego empire

15.) Take over the tri-state area

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