Josh Pieters Imagine part 1-Their cousin 💕

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Josh's P.O.V
  I was sitting on the sofa watching Jack and Abe play a heated game of Fifa when I heard Conor shout for me to come upstairs, once I had got to the top of the stairs I knocked on his door, he answered for me to come inside, he was doing a cover of bad and boujee with Anth. "Hey Conor what did u call for me for?" I asked "I need you to pick my cousin up from the airport, I can't do it because I'm in the middle of doing a cover with Anth, so could you do it for me?" "Pretty please" he asked laughing, "fine, but you owe me a Nandos" "ok fine" Conor sighed. "She should be at baggage claim when you get there, I'll text her to say that you will be picking her up" Conor said to me, "ok but where will I be taking her?" I asked Conor "back here, she will be staying with us until she finds an apartment of her own" "where will she be sleeping?" I asked "on the sofa" Conor replied back "Wait, you can't make a lady sleep on the sofa Conor, what if she has my room and I take the sofa?" "Ok but don't come crawling back to me when you have back problems" Conor said laughing yet again "you should get going otherwise she will think you've forgotten about her" Conor said, "ok I'll see you in a few minutes" I said and made my way back downstairs to get my phone, wallet and car keys.

Y/N's P.O.V
  The plane had just landed and as I was making my way to baggage claim I received a text off of my cousin Conor,


Conor- Hey y/n hope you had a safe journey, just to let you know I won't be able to pick you up form the airport because I'm filming a cover with Anth, but I have sent my roommate down to pick you up, just look out for a tall tree like ginger person, that's him, his name is Josh. Oh and he said that you are going to sleep in his room instead of the sofa because  apparently it's not very nice to make a lady sleep on the sofa, see you soon x

Y/n - hi Conor can't wait to see my favourite cousin, (don't tell jack I said that 🤐😂) I slept the whole flight, it was over in no time, aww that's so sweet of Josh, I'll have to thank him for that, see you soon x

Josh's P.O.V
  I made my way through the entrance of the airport after a short drive, before I left Conor gave me a description of what y/n looked like,  I was searching for a young lady with brunette hair,5 foot 4 inches tall. I eventually spotted y/n from the other side of the room, I walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around and we both introduced ourselves, "hi I'm Josh, I'm here to pick you up" I said, "and I'm y/n,but you probably already knew that" she replied, she walked over towards the baggage claim carrousel to get her suitcase but before she could pick it up I decided to be a gentleman and pick it up for her.

Y/N's P.O.V
  "oh you didn't have to do that for me Josh" I said to him as he placed my suitcase on the floor and grabbed the handle, "I know but I wanted to" he replied back I stood there for a minute and gazed into his hazel brown eyes, I soon noticed that he was gazing back at me.

Josh's P.O.V
  She just stood there and gazed up at me, I was soon getting lost in her ocean blue eyes, I couldn't help but to admire her perfect figure and facial features, I even noticed the most faint freckles that were dotted across her nose. We soon looked away from each other and I couldn't help but blush, I noticed she did the same, we both carried on walking towards the exit and got into my car, before we even knew it we were back at the apartment, I got her bags out of the boot and pressed the buzzer at the apartment's main entrance for Conor or Jack to let us in.

Y/N's P.O.V
  We were soon at the apartment block and Josh had got my bags out of the boot and buzzed the buzzer for us to be let in. We were soon let in to the building and were on our way to the elevator, Josh pressed the right floor number and the doors closed, "oh I forgot to thank you for letting me stay in your room Josh, you know I would of managed on the sofa" I said to Josh "it's ok I wouldn't of been able to sleep knowing a beautiful young lady like you had to sleep on a sofa that a bunch of guys have sat on"  Josh replied back. "Aww your so sweet Josh, oh and thank you for calling me beautiful, your not so bad yourself" I blushed meaning every word that had come out of my mouth.

A/N- thank you for reading, part two will be out very soon x 😄

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