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A/N: Alright, this story is actually one of a set of two. Choosing: Track A and Choosing: Track B are both companion pieces to one another, and deal with the same events, but with two different perspectives. Normally, I would have just made it as two chapters in the same story, but they each deals with different characters, so I wanted to keep them separate. Basically, this is my attempt to move out of writing just KibaNaru by making it a part of a KibaNaru story. So, if you're going to read this story, make sure that you read the other one as well. You can reach it through my homepage.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, and if you don't like M/M pairings, then don't read.


This was really beginning to get on Akamaru's nerves. Kiba had been pacing back and forth across their apartment for the past two hours. Akamaru would have told him to sit down, but then he would be subjected to watching his master fidget in his seat instead. If it wasn't for the fear that Kiba would go and do something stupid with his anxiety, the dog would have been long gone by now.

Kiba, however, was in too much of a state of panic to notice his pet's annoyance. He was scared out of his mind. Not the usual kind of scared that all ninja had to deal with, the kind that included physical pain. ThatKiba would have been able to handle. This was a different kind of fear. This fear was for emotional pain. He was afraid that his heart was about to be ripped apart and trampled. That Naruto would choose to leave him.

At first, it had actually been kind of nice that Sasuke had finally come back to the village. Kiba felt as if time had gone back to before the Uchiha had left, when the village had felt safer and, for lack of a better word, complete. Soon, however, it became very apparent how Sasuke felt towards his blonde former teammate. He'd been trying to show off his appearance more in public, and was constantly flirting with Naruto whenever they were together. Although Naruto, being the dunce that he is, didn't notice the reason for this constant attention, it was obvious to anyone who watched the two of them.

Anyone who saw them probably would have thought that it was cute, too. The only problem was that Naruto was already dating someone else: Inuzuka Kiba. Naturally, Kiba didn't take the situation too well, and his canine-like, 'protect-what's-mine' possessive nature clashed with Sasuke's natural 'take-what-I-wish' attitude. A rivalry sparked between the two, ranging from snide comments and insults to physical fights under the guise of impromptu 'training.' All the while, their blonde prize remained blissfully unaware of the contest being waged by his friends, thinking that it was just their competitive natures.

This had been going on for a few months now, and Kiba was afraid that he might be losing. Yes, Naruto was dating the dog ninja now, but how could he compete with Sasuke? He was the most handsome and sought after boy in the village, who girls like Ino and Sakura would have given their left arms to be with. He was a shinobi genius and, as much as he hated to admit it, a lot stronger than Kiba was. Also, Sasuke was the heir to one of the village's most illustrious and wealthiest clans. While the Inuzuka clan was certainly important, it had nowhere near the rank of the Uchihas. It seemed that Sasuke was superior in every way to Kiba, and in his animal-like mind, Kiba believed that the superior suitor would, no doubt, be the one to take a mate, while the inferior one would be left alone.

There were also Naruto's feelings to consider, too. When Naruto had first come out to his peers, he had admitted that Sasuke had, in fact, been his first crush. Later, when he and Kiba had gotten together, Kiba had been sure that he had taken Sasuke's place in the blonde's heart. However, as he watched how desperately the Kyuubi vessel fought to get his teammate to come back, and how happy that Naruto had been when he finally did, Kiba couldn't help but wonder if Naruto still had feelings for Sasuke.

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