Chapter 13

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Dear Phoenix,

    I may not be sending letters for a while. I want you to know I'm happy you got into Hogwarts and proud that you got into Gryffindor. That was the house that I was in when I was at Hogwarts. So many good memories were made at that school. I hope you enjoy your time there and I hope you have made many friends. I know that it must be a shock just suddenly being dumped into the wizarding world but you'll get used to it. Hope you are happy.


I read the letter and smiled. "Who's that from?" Ron asked. "A friend of mine." I said and tucked the letter into my robes. Harry frowned at me but I just shook my head once. Neville is unwrapping a gift. It is a clear ball with gold around it. "Hey, look! Neville's got a Remembrall!" Seamus said. "I've read about those. When the smoke turns red, it means you've forgotten something." Herminoe said, as the smoke inside went red. "The only problem is, I can't remember what I've forgotten." Neville said. I snickered at that. "Hey, Ron, somebody broke into Gringotts. Listen, Believed to be the work of dark witches or wizards unknown, Gringotts goblins, while acknowledging the breach, insist that nothing was taken. The vault in question, number 713, had in fact been emptied earlier that same day. That's odd. That's the vault Hagrid and I went to." Harry said. I frowned and looked over his shoulder at the newspaper. "That's the vault across from my vault." I said. Harry shrugged and we got up to walk to the next class. It was flying class outside. The students, Gryffindor and Slytherin, are lined up in two rows with brooms by their sides. The teacher, Madam Hooch, comes down the line. She has short hair and hawk yellow eyes. "Good afternoon, class." She said. "Good afternoon, Madam Hooch." We said back to her. "Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well, what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick. Come on now, hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say, Up!" Madame Hooch instructed. I stuck my hand out and said up. The broom shot into the air and into my hand. Harry's did the same thing and Hermione looked at us surprised. Draco, the smug Slytherin, also managed to get his on the first try. "With feeling!" Hooch said. "Up. Up. Up. Up." Hermione says over and over. "Up!" Ron said and his broom flies up and conks him on the nose. "Ow!" He exclaimed. We snicker at him and he glares at us. "Shut up guys." He snaps and we only laugh more. "Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. And grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end. When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, and then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle...3...2..." Hooch was about to blow the whistle when Neville lifted off. He looks quite frightened. "Mr. Longbottom." Madame Hooch said. "Neville, what are you doing?" A girl asked. "Neville. Neville." The students started saying. "We're not supposed to take off, yet." One of the boys said. "M-M-Mr. Longbottom Mr. Longbottom!" Madame Hooch said as Neville flew away. He screamed in fear as he zooms away from the group. "Mr. Longbottom!" Madame Hooch yelled. "Ah! Down! Down!" Neville yelled. "Neville!" Harry yelled. "Help!!" Neville yelled. "Come back down this instant!" Madame Hooch yelled. Neville screamed in reply and zoom around like crazy. He soars through the sky and hits a wall, conking along it and then swooping off. All the while, he is screaming. He begins to zoom back towards the group of students. Hooch holds out her wand to stop him. "Help!" He yells as he flies towards us. "Mr. Longbottom!" Madame Hooch yelled again. The students scatter and Hooch dives out of the way. As Neville flew over our heads. Neville goes through the scatter and up a tower. I sigh and jump to my feet. I grab my broom and I chase him. I gain quickly on him and I weave back and forth around the pillars and statues. We zoom past a statue of a man with a sharp spear. Neville's cloak catches on it. He is flipped off the broom and hangs there. The cloak rips, and he falls, catching on a torch, but then slipping out and I grab his wrist just before he hit the ground. I pulled up sharply and I heard his wrist pop. he screeched in pain as I pulled him away from the ground. I set him down carefully and he held his wrist in pain. I landed next to him as everyone ran towards us. "Everyone out of the way! Come on, get up." Madame Hooch said. "Is he alright?" A girl asked. "Ow, ow, ow, ow." He said. " Oh, oh, oh, oh dear. It's a broken wrist. Tch, tch, tch. Good boy, come on now, up you get." Madame Hooch said. Draco reaches down and grabs Neville's Remembrall, which has fallen and Hooch begins to lead Neville away with her. "Everyone's to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr.Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say, Quidditch." Hooch said as her and Neville walked into the castle. "Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd have remembered to fall on his fat ass." Draco said and the Slytherin's laughed. "Give it here, Malfoy." Harry said. "No. I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find." Draco said and hops on broom and soars around group. "How 'bout up on the roof? What's the matter, Potter? Bit beyond your reach?" Draco taunts Harry. Harry grabs his broom and runs to get on it. Hermione stops him. "Harry, no! You heard what Madam Hooch said! Besides, you don't even know how to fly." Harry takes off anyway. "What an idiot." She said. "Guess I'm an idiot too." I said and followed him into the sky. "Give it here, Malfoy, or I'll knock you off your broom!" Harry yelled. "Is that so?" Draco taunted. Harry makes a dash for him, but Draco twirls around his broom in a 360. "Have it your way, then!" He yelled. He throws the Remembrall into the air. Harry zooms after the ball, speeding towards a tower. Just as he is about to hit a window, he catches it. He turns to me and throws it high into the air. I zoom up and snatch it just as Draco tries to get it again. I roll threw the air out of Draco's way and I nose dive towards the ground. I pull up right before I hit the ground and I skim across the ground until I'm back with the group. Harry joins me and the group cheers. "Good job, Harry!" One of the boys said. "Oh, that was wicked, Phoenix!" Another said. "Harry Potter? Phoenix Volkov? Follow me." It was McGonagall.

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