A chorus of giggles shortly followed as my story ended. "That's not a real story" Alaina smiled innocently at me.

"It is so!" I joked.

"Is not".

"Well that's what you're getting tonight" I stood up and brushed Alaina's hair off her face slightly. "Goodnight girls. Have sweet dreams". As soon as they said goodnight in return I made my way back to the living room. Now awake, Marshall sat on the couch with his nose in his phone. He was always on that damn thing doing business even when he was meant to be relaxing. "Finally decided to wake up hey?"

He looked up as I spoke and chucked his phone onto the coffee table. "Couldn't help it, the movie was boring as shit".

I sat with my head on his shoulder as his hands were quick to run through my hair. "The girls enjoyed it though, well, before they fell asleep too".

"Did you put them to bed?"

"Yeah. Should I put you to bed now too?"

"Only if you're coming" he huskily replied, his hand causally sliding down to rest on my boob.

"Marshall" I heartily laughed, flicking my eyes up at him.

He smugly smiled and then shrugged. "What? They're fun to play with".

"They're not toys!" I batted his hands away and sat up to avoid any more fondling.

"Maybe not to you" he smirked, earning a playful shove from me.

"Who's texting you?" I asked as his phone buzzed loudly against the table and he moved to pick it up.

"My girlfriend" he replied, his eyes skimming over the text, a smile daring to tug at his lips.

"Oh yeah? Tell her I say hi".

"I can't, she doesn't know about you yet".

I picked up the cushion from behind me and used it to help me push him over. "Why do you have to be such a little shit all the time?" I mock growled at him. He just chuckled and tucked his phone away again. "Marshall?" I persisted.


I rolled my eyes at him, which he probably couldn't even catch in the dimly lit room. "Who's texting you?"

"Oh. Paul". With how much those two talked I actually wouldn't be surprised if he told me they'd been seeing each other behind my back.

"About?" I drew out.

"Grammy's. Wanna come?" he asked tugging me to sit on his lap.

"You've really got to work on your delivery sometimes, everything is too casual and vague".

"Fine" he huffed, resting his hands on my sweat pant clad thighs. "The Grammy's are in two days, I'm performing as you know and nominated, as you know, and want you to come. So will you? There. Was that better?"

"Yes and yes".

Marshall raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Man, asking you things gets easier and easier now. When we first linked up you acted like me asking if you wanted a fucking drink was a marriage proposal".

"Shut up, I did not".

"Uh yeah. Ya did" he retorted, comically moving his neck around like I did when I got passionate about something.

"I guess I'm used to you springing stuff on me last minute now. Anyway, I'll only come if I don't have to take photos".

"Yeah all good. I don't like that shit anyway. I'll tell Paul you're coming. We leave tomorrow".

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