In their box at the theatre, Amy sat between Nathaniel and Christa, and once the show had begun, hardly a word was spoken between the three. Sadly, Amy found herself raptured by the stage. She really did enjoy the theatre. It wasn't until intermission that she finally broke away from the stage and turned to the man who was escorting her.

An apology was at her lips, but she was silenced quickly.

His voice was low, "I could just kiss you right now in front of all these people."

Amy was surprised. "Why?" She'd thought she'd ignored him. Surely, a man like Nathaniel was used to more attention in dark places... even in a theatre.

Nathaniel smiled. His green eyes dared her in. "Instead of having to suffer with endless conversation, I was actually able to watch a play. That never happens when I bring a woman."

Amy was surprised, "I thought you'd be upset."

"Far from it." He laughed and then grew serious, though a smile stayed on his lips, "You're a special woman, Amy. You're... perfect."


All because she'd kept silent during a play?

Be yourself.

Wardington had been right.

A man came into their box. Handsome with dark hair and eyes. He spoke to Nathaniel before being introduced to both Amy and Christa.

"Lady Christa, Miss Ott. Meet the next great playwright, Sir Rudolph Vow."

Vow bowed to the women. "So good to meet you." Then he laughed and said to Nathaniel, "I thank you for your words, my lord."

"Honest words." Then Nathaniel turned to Amy. "I know you'll be interested in this. I've invested in Sir Vow's play. Hopefully, we'll be able to put it on by the end of the year."

Amy smiled. "What's the name of your play?"

Vow said, "The Man Who Knew No One."

Amy frowned.

Nathaniel laughed, "Don't worry. It's a comedy. I've read the script myself."

Amy hesitated, "No, my lord. That's not it... It simply... It sounds familiar."

Vow's smile fell, but then returned so quickly that Amy wondered if it happened at all. "Well, the English vocabulary is so limited. Many works of art will have the same title. Like songs or books."

"Of course," Nathaniel said.

"Well," Amy asked. "What's the play about?"

Vow said, "You'll have to wait and see."

Nathaniel began to speak, but Amy cut him off. "Well, you don't have to give me any of its lines. A simple synopsis would do."

Vow frowned.

Nathaniel laughed and said, "It's about an old duke who is to marry the young daughter of an earl in a week. The young woman, in preparation of her marriage, travels to Scotland to visit her family, but the duke believes she's run off to marry in Gretta Green to another. So, he follows her in the hopes of stopping it. The play is about his journey."

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