Part 2, the preparation and the prank

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Hey, guys! Steve here! Just to say, I do not own soul eater, and it's probably best that I don't, otherwise I will make Maka X Kid forever! As always, LOVE YOU! ~Steve

Maka and I sat on her bed, snuggling with a duvet around us, planning the prank on Soul, we were planning on releasing my soul protect and moving things around in the room, like his chair and food and other things, giving him a shock.


Maka and I walked into the dining room, where Soul was eating some bacon,

"Soul protect, release!" I whispered, I put my hands underneath my chin,

"It's time." I heard Maka whisper into my ear, the words falling from her perfect lips without Soul catching any of them, even though we were at the table with him, I twirled my hands under the table, muttering words, in warlock tongue, so only I understood them and they were so quiet, only I could hear them, I saw the bacon from Soul's plate twitch, that was enough to tell me it was working, I shook them and the bacon began to float in the air just above Soul's plate, he started chasing it around the, room shouting obscenities as he went, I put soul protect back on and flew it over his open mouth and dropped it, straight into his open mouth,

"GODDAMMIT! HOW DID YOU DO THAT?! WHA- I DONT GET IT!" Soul yelled, raving about what just happened, not caring about the headaches he was going to give us by the afternoon, Maka and I ran upstairs and sat on my bed. Cuddling and kissing each other.

A/N Sorry for the sucky chapter, I had homework okay?! And writers block + homework = DISASTER!! Aaaaaanyways, I will update in a few hours, MAYBE! IF I DONT GET ANY MORE HOMEWORK RAAAAAWR Aaaaaaaanyways, as always LOVE YOU! ~Steve.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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