Chapter Two

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Germany, Early 1941.

"ugh I'm getting too old for this." At 23, James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes was not yet old; yet he had seen more tragedy than men twice his age. He stretched and left his bunk to head to the motor yard.Everyday at least twice; he thought of his buddy back home in Brooklyn, New York. Steve Rogers had wanted so badly to serve his country; but due to small stature and various health issues he had been barred from service.That was the thought that kept Bucky going in the hellhole they called Germany. Bucky and Steve only had each other.... For all intents and Purposes; Buck and Steve were brothers; not in blood but in bond.
As Bucky walked to the motor yard he could hear Dugan comforting someone.
"It's okay, son just let it all out... NOT ON MY SHOES!!!!!! You'll get used to it kid..... Everyone has the right to throw up their first time out."
Curiosity got the best of Bucky as he veered off course to observe.

"Hey Dugan!!! Who's the new kid?" Bucky looked to the new recruit; who was currently emptying his stomach of everything but his memories. He still had the blood of some poor bastard on his uniform. He was pale under his dark skin, sweat beading down his forehead... He didn't look much past his early 20's... At most.
"Private Anthony R. Rhodes. New to the 107th..." Timothy 'Dum Dum' Dugan explained. "Caught some hell on the way to base... Had to use his gun for the first time... Not used to shooting yet."
"Dug, let me talk to him. I'll see that he gets to where he needs to be; go clean up and head to the officers club; put your beer on my tab." "Much obliged, Barnes." With that, Dugan took his leave.

"Sergeant James Barnes. Most call me Bucky. And you are?"

"Anthony Rhodes; you can call me Tony."

"So Tony, rough day?" Bucky joked, trying to cheer the kid up.

"I guess you could say that."

"So tell me about yourself; it helps to have friends in this hellhole." Tony looked at Bucky incredulously.

"No offense, sir.... But what interest could you possibly have in someone like me?"

"What do you mean? The fact that I'm a sergeant and you're a private?"

"No sir; although NOW I'm thinking that. Isn't there a big difference in us. In our.... Colors? Wouldn't you be ridiculed for talking to me?"

"Tony, here, color doesn't matter. Here we stick together. That is the only way we survive this hellhole. We are all fighting the same enemy. We don't see color; we see heart and mind. I hope you'll consider me a friend, Tony; because that's all we have."

"Sir, it will take some getting used to but I don't think I have a problem being your friend." Bucky and Tony shook on it.

"So, Tony...." Bucky rephrased "where are you from?"

"New York, by way of Lansing, Mi"

"New York, eh? I'm from Brooklyn! Gotta represent the greatest state in the whole 48!!!"

Tont laughed for the first time since arriving in Germany

"While, I should agree; my heart lies with my Michigan. It's where I grew up; it's where my family is; it's where my my girl is....."

"You have family? I grew up with five siblings, if you include my best friend Steve."

Tony chuckled "My father works in the auto industry; my mother stayed home to help raise my siblings. Jacinta is 21, Dahlia is 14 and Freddy is 4."

"Jacinta... That's a pretty name."

"It fits her. She works hard too. She's a brilliant chemist; she wants to go to college. Here's a picture of her and I the night I left for New York."

Bucky took the photograph and looked at it. He was taken aback by the young woman smiling up at him from the snapshot.

She was of medium build, slender; her hair curled into what Rebecca called 'Victory Rolls.' Her plump lips were curled into a smile that showed her perfectly straight teeth.

"Wow." Bucky wasn't aware that minutes had passed.

"Sir, are you okay?" Tony admittedly was a little weirded out; but there was no denying that Jacey was beautiful; inside and out.

"She's so pretty isn't she? I wish you could meet her, Bucky; because her looks match the inside. She's the first woman in our family to graduate high school; with honours no less." Tony beamed with pride for his baby sister. "You should see her in the lab. She's got the brains and the strive to stand up to those who tell her she can't do anything and by golly she will prove them wrong."

"She's feisty, eh? Bucky was still staring at the woman in the photograph. He was suddenly imagining what she sounded like,how she laughed, what she looked like when she was concentrating or when she was frustrated.

"Anyway." Tony said as he tucked the picture back in his duffle. "Where do I go to get my bunk assignment?"

"head over to the commander's bunk area over there; if you run into a British woman that answers to the name of Carter, you can ask her where the commander is; he will get you your bunk assignment."

"Thank you, sir... Bucky."

"Anytime, Tony.... Hey! Come mess time keep a lookout, I'll save you a seat"

Tony smiled and headed towards the tents.

Bucky watched him go; his mind still on Jacinta. She was so beautiful! He hoped he would be able to meet her one day.

"Yeah like that would ever happen!" He said to himself.... Like she would ever go for a soldier like him.

He headed for the motor yard, already planning his letter to Steve...

"Dear Steve,

I think I just saw the gal of my dreams....."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2017 ⏰

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