"I love you too", he said.

"If we lost this child, I would be very sad", I said.

"Hell, I'll be angry", dean said.

I nodded, agreeing. This is what I always wanted was to have a kid .

The nurse walked in. "Is everything OK on here?".

"Yah, better then ever", dean said.

"Im ok", I added in.

The nurse smiled and nodded. "Call me when y'all need anything ", she said.

"Ok, thanks", I said. She left out.

Dean held my hand and gave it a little squeeze. "Everything wil be fine, I can see it. You can make your biggest return after 8 1/2 months".

"Yah. My mom won't mind watching her", I said.

Dean laughed. "I will love to see our baby girl become a wrestler. She can be the future divas champ!", said dean.

"She can carry on our legacy. You know when she grow up, we're gonna be old ", I said.

"Brie, we're going to be in our mid to late 40s, I'm never quitting wwe", said dean.

"You right", I said. "WWE forever, right".

"And me and you forever", he said as he kissed my hand.

I smiled. "Amen".

Nikki pov
"We should get this dress! Og, these pants, this skirt. Omg, this crib",I said.

"Nicole. Hunny, u going overboard. As u can see, they already have a crib! Calm down", roman said.

"Im just so happy! This is gonna be good. I'm also grateful for a new niece. I'm gonna be auntie coco", I said.

"U are babe, and I'm gonna be uncle roman", said roman.

No, uncle roro", I joked.

He shook his head, laughing.

I grabbed a cute little skirt. "SO CUTE!!!", I said excitedly as I put it in the basket. "Bucker up my big snicker, we're gonna be all day shopping till night ", I said.

"God, help me", roman said.

"He can't help you now, honey, not now ", I said.

I gasped. "The toy section! Look, hun!, it's the pastifier that mom had brought for the baby shower brie had 3 weeks ago", I said.

Roman nodded. "IT is huh".

I nodded. "What the hell! U forgot",I laughed and said.

We walked in the hospital at 7 p.m

"Briezie!", I said excitedly as I hugged her.

"Woah, I see u brought alot of stuff", brie said, quietly

"Duh, I'm nikki bella. U feel ok."

"No, I'm in pain. They about to deliver the baby in a few", brie said.

I rubbed her stomach. "Hello my neice. Auntie coco can't wait to see you. I love you", I whispered.

The doctor walked in. "We are ready. Y'all are staying in?".

"I'll stay in with her, roman and nikki, wait outside the door", dean said, as he held brie hand.

"Ok, good luck brie", I said. I kissed her head and we quickly left out.

We sat on a bench outside the room. "U ok, babe? ", roman asked.

"Ro, do u think we should have a baby?".

He looked at me. He shrugged. "God has a plan for everyone. If he wants us to have kids, we have them. If he don't, we respect it".

He made a really good point. I sighed. "Your right, and it's true. If it's god plan".

He kissed me softly on the cheek. "I love you, nicole ".

"I love you too".

I smiled. Roman looked at me. "Oh, I know that look. What is it nikki ".

I jumped up. "Jesus christ! I know what I'm gonna do with the baby every weekend. It's gonna be auntie coco and her weekend. We gonna go to Chuck E cheese, shopping and out to eat and skating. Omg, what a life were gonna have. And u can take her on Sundays, me on Saturday ".

"Ha, and we going to church on Sunday ".

I looked at him. "Roman, do something fun. Go to church then bring her somewhere. But I know, we going to Florida for vacation! ", I said.

He smiled. "Yah, we all are".

I sighed. "When are they gonna be done ", I said.

"Be patient hun", said roman.

"I'll try. I'm just to excited roman", I said, trying to calm down.

"Take deep breaths. Breath in and out my love".

I did as he said. "Ok, much better ", I said.

"Good job nicole. They should be done any minute ".


I looked up. "Mommy!".

I ran and hugged her and jj.

"Hey sis. How is brie ", asked jj as he shook roman hand and roman hugged my mom.

"She is giving birth now", I said.

"Im gonna be a grandma. Oh God I'm happy", mom said.

I laughed. "Aunt coco is the name and uncle roro".

"Roman Nikki, uncle roman", said roman laughing.

"No roman. I like uncle roro ", I laughed and said.

Jj shook his head. "Nikki, your my sister and I love u, but ur agg sometimes".

Mom and roman laughed. "Hahaha!  But I'm oder then ur stupid ass".

Mom and roman including jj laughed again.

I knocked on the door. "I wanna see the damn baby", I called.

"Nikki what the fuck", mom said.

"Sorry doc, take ur time I guess", I said guiltily.

The door slowly opened. "Come see", said dean.

I busted through the door and gasped.

Brie pov
I held the baby on my arms. Nicole busted In and gasped. I smiled as mom jj and roman walked in behind her.

"My niece!", Nikki said.

"Guys, meet megan ambrose", said dean.

"Aw, my granddaughter ", mom said.

I slowly handed megan to mom.

Mom smiled. Nikki looked at megan.

"Brianna she has yours and my nose. And she has dean's eyes", Nikki said excitedly.

"She does", jj said.

"I have my daughter love you babe", dean kissed me on the cheeck. He walked by mom and looked at megan smiling. I smiled. Because my family is happy for my child.

"Megan nicole ambrose is her name", I said.

"Aw, my name, huh brie!", Nikki hugged me.

I smiled. I can't wait to get out thus hospital gown and go home with my new bundle of joy. And I also can't wait to return.

"Oh we got some stuff for meggy!", Nikki said.

"Ill go to the car and get the stuff", roman said.

Nikki gave him the keys and he left out the room.

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