The Meeting

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  The group office was modern and sterile. "She'll eventually want to leave. She's a curious teenager. Once she hears about the truth she'll-" I had heard this through a crack in the door. Doing this for a week gets me more information than attending all of the meets in a year. Cautiously, I entered the dark room, and by the face of my father, the Main Leader, he knew what I overheard. All of the other leaders were nervous, you could tell. "Father?" Looking into my father's black eyes, which were the same color as my own, I wordlessly pleaded for him to tell me the truth about the situation. He sighed. "Excuse me, gentlemen. I think I should have this chat with my daughter alone." "Yes, Main Leader." The monotonous replies sounded through the suddenly still space. Once they left, father turned squarely on me. "I know you were eavesdropping. And it's not the first time. And most likely not the last either." "Pfffffft- What are you talking about? I wasn't eavesdropping. That's totally crazy. I'd never do that." "Tanaiah." "Fine. How did you know?" "I could sense your presence." Of course he could. Being Main Leader enabled my dad to know where everyone is at all times. Which can be quite scary, given he's a strict father. "We need to talk." My father's tired voice broke the silence. "Your telling me." "I'm sorry. I wish I could tell you sooner but I couldn't." "Well now you can. So let's get to it." With that I followed him into a strange archive.

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