Hak threw his glaive to the ground and swung us all into the air, causing us to glide a bit. Landing a bit roughly, onto a higher platform. I didn't see any soldiers, so were safe for the time being... we rushed to a nearby open-shrub. We set Yona down as I grunted some more. 

      Im losing so much blood... I can keep going for a little though...

Hak: (Y/n), stay here and protect Yona, I'll take care of these guys...

(Y/n): No! I can-ngh... still.. fight! 

Hak: No you can't! You stay here, okay?! 

      I raised my hand and slapped Hak in the cheek, it turned red after a few seconds... I was in full rage... I was not this weak... I could easily keep going.

Hak: (Y-

(Y/n): Hak... Listen to me... Do you think I'm that weak?! I can still go, and I will, no matter what you say! I will fight... I won't let you go alone...! 

      Hak nodded his head with a smirk, he could see full determination in my eyes. I would fight. Yona nodded to stay in this area while me and Hak dashed quickly, back to fight.

      When we got there, a few men instantly came after us, I dodged their swords with my spear, but I instantly felt weaker by the second... Damn... The poison is taking hold... and it has to especially be at a time like this too...stupid... 

      I looked over at Hak, who seemed to be having full control, just as I felt weaker and weaker. I saw him glance at me with a worrying look, he stopped in his tracks, I backed up. I thought that there was ground behind me... but... there wasn't...

      A few soldiers rushed my way, but Hak got here first. He fought off other soldiers trying to get to me while I was just helplessly hanging off a cliff. I was scared, honestly..... Until... I heard a voice... A high squeaky one, like... Oh no she didn't.....

Hak: Why are you standing there?! IDIOT!

(Y/n): Yona! Don't do this!

      I was losing lots of grip, I couldn't feel my body or hands, my hand slipped. While I was simply contemplating a guilty life in the heavens, but...

      Hak grabbed my wrist and yelled in my ear, I couldn't hear it...I couldn't hear a thing... it was so hazy.....

Hak's P.O.V.

      I held onto (Y/n)'s wrist like my life depended on it, I couldn't live without her, I needed her to stay strong. I swung my glaive as anger rushed through me... even if we could save her... the poison is still pretty strong and might end up killing her anyw-

Yona: Get away!

Soldier: Princess...


      I saw the princess, full of rage. I've never seen her like this before...

      I looked at (Y/n)'s lifeless body and gasped in fear, I couldn't hold on for much longer... I was getting tired myself..... I slipped off of the cliff while holding onto (Y/n). I caught the wall when I instantly started to feel my hand slip... No...

Yona: Hak! (Y/n)!

Hak: What are you doing?!

Yona: Saving you!

      She said as she tried to lift both of us up... STUPID!

Hak: You know you can't lift both of us, just run!

Yona: NO!

      I heard cracking of rocks, gravity taking force on us, Yona's foot slipped and now we were falling, into trees... I gripped onto a body hoping it was (Y/n)'s, I had another on on a loose arm... getting ready for a life of hell...


      I heard trickling, like water...? I slightly opened my eyes looking round, where am I...?

???: Oh, you're awake, you feeling okay?

Hak: I'll answer once you tell me who the hell you are...

Yona: Oh, Hak! Thank goodness you're awake! This is Yun, he's been taking care of us!

        I nodded in agreement, looking around, then, it instantly popped into my head...


      I looked down, then around to see her helpless body, laying down. Her facial expression was still "scared and frightened" It killed me to see her like that.

Hak: Is she okay?! Tell me what happened! Why isn't she awake yet!

Yun: She's barely alive, it took a while to extract the poison, and bandage her cuts... tons of broken bones, and bruises, of coarse...

( An: Now is probably a good time to play the song that I put up)

Hak: How did she get this way?!

Yun: When you guys fell, you were clutching onto Yona, over here... (Y/n), on the other hand... was on the ground by herself, just a few feet away from you guys, to me, it looked like she hit more trees than you guys. Sounds to me like she was the third wheel of the gang, huh? I bet she sacrificed a lot for you guys...

      It then hit me, I was holding Yona, and (Y/n) was in my loose arm...I... I was holding onto Yona the whole time... What am I doing... I left her when she needed me the most... When she loved me.. when she believed in me... and now, if she dies... it'll be all my fault.....


Hak: Hey, why are ya so down?

(Y/n): I dunno... Maybe fighting with a dagger isn't the best for me...

Hak: Come on... it's the safest thing right now... you're only 8...

(Y/n): Oh yeah?! Well you're 9! And you already have a spear! That's what I want, a spear!

Hak: Stop complaining, you're not the only one who wants something! I want a Glaive!

(Y/n): I guess we just both have to wait... huh?

Hak: Yeah, but it's such a pain in the butt though...


Hak: Happy 10th birthday! I gotcha somethin' you'll probably like it...

(Y/n): You say that stupid line every year...


(Y/n): I-Is th-this m-m-mine...?

Hak: Yup, you're very own spea-

      I got pulled into a tight embrace, I slightly blushed. I loved seeing (Y/n) happy.

(Y/N): H-Hak... Th-Thank you!


     (Y/n)... The girl I love... she could die... because I wasn't there to hold her... because I wasn't there to save her... because I'm Not Worthy for her...

      I felt a single tear cross my face, brushing my cheek. I hung my head down and reached for (Y/n)'s hand... I held it tightly, hoping for her to wake up... no response. More tears started gushing down my face the more I thought of (Y/n)...    

Yona: Hak... I-

                                 "YUN, SAVE HER! YOU CAN"T LET HER DIE ON ME LIKE THIS!!!"

{YAY I DID ITTT! I decided to make it extra long since it's been a while, soon, hope you all enjoy}

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