"Parcel for you, Ms McDore." Catherine said and I nodded as I took the parcel from within my hands and I read the message and I paled as I read the letter and I didn't want to believe it as I shoved the parcel away from me.

"Catherine, who gave you this?" I asked and Catherine shrugged to that.

"I don't know ma'am, I just found it addressed to you within your office and nothing else." She explained and I nodded and grabbed the parcel standing up.

"Stacey, Joanne, Severus and Rachel my office right now!" I ordered and they nodded. "Gellert, I need someone who's good at the dark arts and your one of the others who I'll need." I said and Gellert nodded and went. "If you'll excuse me I need to go." I said and marched out and Hermione and Harry looked to me and I smiled and walked off running to my office and going in placing the parcel on my desk.

"What's the matter, Amz?" Stacey asked and I looked to her and pointed to the parcel.

"What is it? And why do you need us?" Rachel asked and looked to the letter and paled and looked to Amy who was shaking.

"It's from HIM!" I sneered and everyone paled knowing who I was talking about. It was from the man that had caused all my pain in my life it was from the one and only Voldemort. He had the audacity to give me a parcel but the only thing I'm wondering is what the heck is inside the parcel in which scared me because he wants me angry but scared as well and so I looked to Gellert who was trying spells on and he shrugged.

"No spells on this or contains anything that could harm." Gellert said and I nodded and with reluctance I opened the parcel and the box only to drop it and scream. Inside the box was a severed head of someone I knew and that was the one and only Rhiannon Kendall my team mate who helped take down Rasputin in the war, and and Stacey looked paled and hugged Amy who was shaking with tears and Joanne was losing her contents but as the door opened I saw Catherine and she was pale in horror at the severed head and I just cried into Stacey's shoulder.

"Catherine, get someone to deal with this I need to take the Headmistress to the Hospital Wing." Stacey said and Catherine nodded and Stacey looked to Amy who was shaking and not responding except from tears as she lead her through the halls and the Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Dumstrang and Le Da Academy students were watching them pass and Stacey saw Minerva Mcgonagall and she sighed hoping she could help.

"What's happened?" Minerva asked but saw Ms McDore shaking in freight she had just finished announcing the Yule Ball to the students when she came out to see this but she did hear a terrifying scream that shook everyone.

"Just say that parcel contained something that was horrifying to her." Stacey informed and Minerva came to Ms McDore and hugged her close but Ms McDore was shaking in her grasp. "I need to go and sort it out." Stacey said and Minerva nodded and with that Stacey left reluctantly and Minerva took the woman with her.

"It's all right. It's all right." Minerva said softly and Ms McDore looked to her with a look that terrified her.

"No it's not. Voldemort's coming back and I can't do anything about it." I said to her and she paled and led me into the Hospital wing where Poppy, Perenella and Albus was and they gasped as they saw Ms McDore like this.

"What happened?" Perenella asked and she took Amy who hugged her and wouldn't let her go for anything.

"Can't lose anyone else." I mumbled and Perenella was confused but Minerva shrugged.

"It was something to do with the parcel that was delivered." Minerva informed and Perenella sat Amy on the bed and then went to get a calming draught as Poppy placed a warm blanket over the shocked headmistress.

The Missing Daughter of McGonagall and Dumbledore (Goblet of Fire) Where stories live. Discover now