Play Time

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Every moment of being Prince's wife was just hard to explain when it came to words. There was never a dull moment. 

I peeked into his study room where he usually concentrated and focused on his music. He usually didn't like me in there because I distracted him. This was where he usually wrote his lyrics. He was wearing glasses and he was at the desk. I couldn't help but think he look utterly sexy as he was concentrating with those glasses on. 

"I know you're there, you might as well stop hiding." I heard him say as I tried to walk away quietly.

Damn it, he always knew where I was.

I peeked through the corner so he could only see my head. He looked at me through his glasses as he chuckled.

"What are you doing girl?"

"Just checking up on you was all."

"Or checking me out is really it huh?"

"Well, I can't help but think you look sexy with those glasses and concentrating there."

"Oh? You want to come closer so you can tell me that again? I didn't quite hear it." He said as he put his hand against his ear to indicate me to talk louder.

I rolled my eyes knowing he heard it, he just wanted me to come close to him.

"You look sexy concentrating with those glasses on."

"You like it don't you?" 

He said as he wrapped his arms around my hips as he was still sitting down. He rested his head against my stomach as his fingers were around my jeans. 

"You okay baby?" I asked as my hands ran through his hair.

"Yeah, I think I need to take a small break. Maybe the words will come to me then." He replied. 

Then he shook his head.

"No, I have to finish this, no break." He said as he quickly turned around in his spin chair and ran his hands through his hair.

"Aww, but you need to take a break every once and awhile. Take a break." I whispered to him as I kissed up his collar bone while massaging his neck.

I could hear him trying to keep in his groans but I knew he liked it when I would massage him and kiss his skin.

"That feels good, don't stop." He said softly. 

"Take a break baby, it will help." I whispered in his ear. 

I watched him quickly turned around in his chair as he grabbed me and put me on his lap. He held me close to him as he crashed his lips against mine. My hands tangled in his hair as I loved it when he got eager like this. 

I quickly pulled away as I smiled at him.

"Okay I think you had enough, now finish your work or take yourself some time for a small break." I said before getting up from his lap and walking over to the living room.

I grabbed my book I was reading and laid down onto the couch. However, I heard the sound of heels against the floors as I knew it was him. I looked up from my book as he only smirked at me. 

"You expect me to just sit there and not get my way?"

I playfully rolled my eyes as I felt him crawling over me but I put my book against my face. He snatched it out of my hands and pressed his lips against mine. 

I gently pulled away as I could tell he was getting a little irritated. 

"Now how come you keep pulling away, hm? You're my wife aren't you? You don't like kissing you're husband?"

Prince Imagines (Detailed and Descriptive!)Where stories live. Discover now