The Olive Tree

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"But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever." –Psalm 52:8.

I had this in my Bible study yesterday (on Friday) morning and the lesson that we can learn from this verse came to me.

I love the woods, I love looking at them. There aren't very many trees around here in the apartment, but there are still a few. When it's nice I would go outside and look at them and then write whatever came to my mind. They're so mysterious and majestic all at the same time. A hundred stories could be told there—the perfect setting for an intense plot. If we could talk to them, what would they say? What would they have seen? So much history that we can only speculate and dream about.

And yet...

As powerful and tall as they seem, as ancient and wise as they seem... they still have to rely on God. Without Him, their seeds don't spread and they aren't even created. Without Him, they won't get enough sunlight to grow. Without Him, it won't rain and they won't have their thirst satisfied.

But he takes care of them.
All their needs are provided for them.

How much more so does He care for us? Look at the complicated process of conception. This little tiny sperm... one of thousands has to make its way through all this complicated tubing that will kill it and then it finally makes it to the egg and fertilities it. Then the cells get to work, creating a human life. It grows and grows until it's born through the painful process of labor. Then it learns to walk and talk and live in this brand new world and it begins to grow and mature and develop a personality and suddenly it's a person, a teenager going into school, figuring out what he or she wants to do in life, then it's an adult creating more life...
He watches over us and knows what His plan is for us, even before we are conceived.
Back to the verse: "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God." Let's put ourselves in the shoes of this olive tree here. We're planted inside the House of God. He has to give us everything, water for our roots, sunlight to help us grow... everything. Trees don't question if their Father will care for them; they simply are.

So should we be.

The birds don't wonder if God is going to care for them. They move about their day, eating and drinking and singing praises to Him. The trees reach their branches up to heaven to worship Him. Deer jump and dance in honor of Him. Whales sing harmonies to Him. The stars even sing to Him, and they stay up there, showing us His beauty and wonder and mystery.

That's what we are supposed to do to! We are here to praise Him, worship Him, sing to Him. We are here to be night lights to people who are living in darkness. We are to express and show His very nature with others. He will care for us as we live in complete reliance on Him.
Like the olive tree.
"I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever."



All credit for this chapter goes to jesusfreak202 for sending me this chapter to share with you all. She's an amazing Christian writer, and friend. So please go check her out if you enjoyed this.

Also, don't forget you can also submit a chapter!

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