Chapter 10. Kyber Crystal Theory

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I don't own anything.
Lyra's P.O.V.

"Hold still. This might hurt."

I nod and close my right eye. I can feel the needle poke into my skin and I tense up. "Relax, Lyra. It'll just hurt for a bit." I try to think of happy things but my mind always tracks back to Galen and Jyn. Will I ever see them again?

The needle pokes my wound a few more times. Then it stops and a soft cloth is pressed against the wound. On the cloth is a medicine, which hurts like hell. I flinch. "Almost done... " said a new voice. "Just a little more... there! You can open your eyes." I do as I'm told and look into bright blue eyes of Orson Krennic. Behind him is the pilot Bodhi, who's cleaning the needle. "Are you okay?" Orson asks.

I bob my chin. "Thanks," I said quietly.

Orson nods. "I just hope Bodhi know what he was doing with those stitches." He glances over his shoulder to look at Bodhi.

"I had some decent medical training." Bodhi shrugs. "It was a requirement if you were to be a cargo pilot." He puts the needle back in the small first aid kit. "Do you need anything else?"

"No, I don't think so," I said. "Thank you for your help."

The pilot smiles. "No problem... um, can I do anything around here?"

I thought for a second. "Can you pull the weeds in my garden?" Bodhi nods and salutes to me as he walks backwards towards the door. He ends up missing the doorframe and crashes into the wall. Bodhi quickly turns around and skips off.

I hear the door shut and that's my cue to get up and start organizing the place again. I stand to do so but Orson stops me. "I'll do it."

"Well you've become very helpful," I tease. He laughs and begins straightening the room. I sigh and lay on the couch, looking at the ceiling. It really is nice having someone else do stuff for me.

There's something sparkly dancing on the walls. I follow the reflection of the thing with my eyes and it leads to Orson. That's odd. My curiosity sparks and I speak up. "Orson, can you come over here for a moment?" Orson obeys. I sit up to take a better look at him. It's then I notice he has a Kyber crystal necklace. The sunlight had bounced off the jewel. There's something very familiar about it... "May I see your necklace?"

Orson reaches behind his neck to unclip it, then freezes. "Sorry, I, ah... I think I should keep it on."

I have a feeling this necklace is something I've seen before. Without warning, I reach up and snap it off his neck. "Hey!" Orson cries. I keep it out of his reach (which is very hard to do considering his size) and fiddle with the necklace until I can see the faint scribe in the crystal.


I turn and smack Orson across the face. "WHY DO YOU HAVE MY HUSBAND'S NECKLACE ON?!"

Orson staggers backwards. He falls to the floor before answering. "Galen gave it to me! I swear! He handed it to me before I went out the door!" I don't believe Krennic. I grab his staff from where he left it in the corner and hover one end above his neck. "Lyra! I'm not lying! Galen told me to never take it off. I don't know why but-" He groans when I jab his stomach. "Please!" He wails. "I'm telling you the truth!"

He's lying. "Did you use my family to your advantage again? Not surprising, since you did it before."

"Lyra! I didn't take Galen! I swear!"

"Reekshite." I raise my arms and swing the end of the staff towards Krennic's neck. Krennic screams.

Suddenly the other end if the staff is grabbed and I'm thrown onto the couch. The staff flies from my hand and appropriately bounds off the floor to hit Krennic in the face. I look up into the eyes of one of Jyn's angry friends, whom I can't remember the name to. It was something on the lines of Chassis.

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