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Luke's POV

"No, but you're not going to tell her, right?"

"Maybe, but whats in it for me?"

"My undying respect and gratitude?"

"Ugh, I'll just tell her, if that's your best offer."

"No, no! Come on, Jessie will ground me and I have a girlfriend now, which means I have duties, as a boyfriend, to take her out to things and make her feel like she's being taken care of."

"If you don't want me to spill, the deal is that at any point after this that I ask for a favor, you're gonna do it, even if its weird and embarrassing."

"Fine, deal."

Zuri and I shook on it and I finally left the apartment, after telling Jessie that I would be going out, and waited in the lobby until Anushka walked in. Well- she was down there, waiting for me since my sister kept me in my house for so long, making me beg and do anything for her to keep her silence about my sneak the night before. It was fine, Anushka still looked pretty sitting there.

"Hey, gorgeous." I mumbled, watching her stand up and wall over to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. It was something I didn't expect her to do so, but I didn't complain. I wrapped my own arms around her waist and we stood there until Tony made us leave because we were distracting people in the lobby, so we started making our way to the park. We got there and continued walking around the perimeter of the park, our hands linked together by our fingers.

"So, had fun last night?"

"I did, even though the people I rode with smelled weird.. and that's saying something from me."

"Why? You smell fine."

"You would never say that if you had known me before I met you."

"That... doesn't make any sense, but okay." She laughed and rolled her eyes playfully. We talked and walked more, until we realized how much we were walking and got tired, so we sat down. It was quiet for a moment, and we were seated close to each other, but I didn't know what to do with my hands. I looked at her, and then at my hands, and then at her again, and then down at my hands. What am I supposed to do?

Anushka's POV

"Can I help you?" I asked with an amused smile on my face. I could see him shifting so uncomfortably, and he looked awfully nervous.


"You seem a bit uncomfortable."

"I-I just, uh. Well, I was going to put my arm around you, but I was deciding whether its too early for that."

"How would it be too early for it?"

"I like you, Anushka, and I've had a few girlfriends, but they have never lasted for very long because of things I did wrong, and I want to do this right."

"Luke, I like you too. I'm not a relationship expert at all, but I know that as long as both people are comfortable and happy, I think their doing something right."

"Have you had a boyfriend before... or a husband? Are you secretly like- in your thirties and wise?"

"Shut up. You're my first boyfriend, I just know that my brother has had a lot of bad girlfriends, and he gave me advice one time after a big fight that I witnessed."

We both laughed and finally the guy put his arm around my shoulders, making me move closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder. We sat like that for a while, not saying anything, just watching the pigeons trip people and laugh at their shock and embarrassment. It was nice, we weren't saying anything, but we were getting closer with every laugh. Finally, it got late, and my brother called me back home, so Luke walked me back and we shared a quick, but awkward hug and split ways for the day.

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