"I have to now move." I said and had nick hold her down,I don't want to this but i have to. I held the knife up as my hands shook.

Count to three

I stabbed his head a couple of times while Sarah watched me horrified of what she saw. I felt the blood got on me when I wasn't looking,tears formed in eyes as I dropped the knife horrified. I went to wipe my tears when I seen the blood on my hands,nick let go Sarah and came over to me.

My body trembled as I looked at the blood on my hands,the tears came down slowly as the blood on my hand dripped down.

"I'm sorry Carlos." I said and cried "look y/n you did the right thing." Nick said and hugged me. Right then Luke and Clem walked in. They looked at us but mostly me as I trembled uncontrollably, "I'm sorry Carlos. I hope you go to heaven." I said and continued to cry.

"What happened here?" Luke asked as he walked to us. "He had a heart attack and before he could turn y/n took care of him." Nick explained as they looked at me. "I'm sorry y/n you did the right thing." Luke said and kneeled by my side.

As soon as he hugged me my trembling stopped. I sigh and relax while I could and took in a smell of Luke. He smelt nice like fire and a little bit of flowers. The smell of him made me relax a bit,I slowed by breaths and closed my eyes falling asleep.
XxxFlashback endXxx

I lay on my bed looking at the ceiling smiling, thinking about me,nicks and Luke's childhood. We were the tree amigos or the three musketeers. I smile like a dork and continue thinking. I always had a thing for Luke but I doing know if he'll like me back.

I heard a knock on the door. "State your name and business." I said. "Luke and I'm here to talk." Luke said. "Come in dork." I replied and he walked in. "What's up?" I asked and he sat on the bed. "Um I just wanted to see how you were." He said and smiled at me. "I'm good. How about you how you doing? You seem kinda concentrated on something." I said and looked at him.

"Um,remember how you told me if I had a crush on a girl you would help me?" Luke asked. My smile wanted to fall but I left it up,he must of met this girl he liked looking for food today. "Yeah I remember it well,so what's her name?" I asked.

"Um I can't say it's a secret." Luke replied. "Wow you must be serious in this relationship." I said and looked at my hands. "Well rule one,make sure you never hurt this girl or else you'll be facing me. Rule two,it Valentine's day coming up and to make her happy get her some candy or something and make a cute poem. If you need help with the poem you have me to help. And rule three, make sure she's protected and tell her you love her everyday. You don't know when you could die." I said but trailed off at the last part.

"Thanks for the advice,you are really good with this kinda stuff." Luke said and pulled into hug. "Um Luke this might ruin our friendship,but I l-love you." I said. I couldn't tell if he was blushing or not. He blushed away from the hug and didn't look at me. "U-um I gotta go." Luke said and ran out the door. I sat there looking at the door,great out friendship is going to be awkward.

I sigh and lay on my back. "I messed up didn't I?" I mumbled.

"Um Luke this might ruin our friendship,but I l-love you." Y/n said and confessed. Are you kidding?! This is perfect she likes me back so I know what she'll like. I pull away and hide my face,"u-um I gotta go." I said and ran out the door,I walked to my room. Maybe I shouldn't have left without saying a reply. Maybe I messes up leaving her,alone.

I grabbed the bag I put under the bed,it was filled with the candy and beer. I laid the stuff out and picked the some candy that me and her can try. I put some beer flavored suckers,rum berry chews,vodka pocky (and if you don't know what pocky is it just a Japanese sweet that is covered in strawberry and other flavors that's kinda like melted chocolate on a biscuit pretzel thing.) Saki kitkats. (Chinese drink) and much More these all look good.

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