Chapter 3:No WAY!

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I stood before these large mahogany doors.Behind which the answer to my...future lies.The ordinary doors now seemed like the ones to hell...Why do I have to go through this?It wasn't my fault...I was framed...and I did nothing wrong I was betrayed by the ones whom I thought were close to me and by complete strangers...I'm not the one at fault!I placed my hand on the cold metal knob which seemed to mirror my father's coldness yesterday.A chill ran down my spine just thinking about it.No I can't do this...I'm scared.What if my dad really ships me like in that article?No...He can't because I am his beloved daughter after all...No matter what I told myself the question of 'what if' remained in my mind because I for one know that my father is a man of his word and he would never go against what he said especially at a press conference...I cracked the door open without making a noise...I could see my dad at his desk.He was talking to his secretary on phone...

'Yeah,that right.That has to be done for her to learn a lesson. I've pampered her too much just because she is my only daughter.'


'Its only right that i do this,I can't let her take over the company someday if she's going to be like this.Please don't try to change my mind!Take care of those gossips and bring that when you come over here'


'See you soon'


What was that?So is it true?He is really going to ship me off somewhere?No maybe its about something else.Nonetheless My legs felt weak but that was not all...Mr.Penber,Fray's dad called soon after...

'Hello...Yeah,Vince...listen...I really am sorry about what Althea did...I don't know what happened but Althea shouldn't have reacted that way.Is Fray fine?She is not hurt right?'


'I apologise in her stead'


'Yeah,she needs to learn from her mistakes'


'I hope this doesn't affect our usual relationship'


'You want to withdraw from the 'Paradise' project?Why?That could be very beneficial to us...Perhaps is it because of what happened between the kids yesterday?'


'Oh...You are investing in Angie's now...Um...I understand'


'Definitely,The past is in the past...'


'Until then,Bye'

Dad let out a huge sigh which made wrinkles appear on his forehead.Even though he said it was no big deal,I could clearly say that wasn't the case.He looked exhausted.Seems like I really caused him a lot of trouble...Mr.Penber even broke off the deal which could've brought us millions...Was I really pampered that much?


A cough brought me back to reality...It was Robert,Dad's secretary.

'Morning miss'

'Morning Robert,I was just about to go see dad'

'I could see and you really should...'

'Um..'I nodded.

I knocked on the door and entered the office.Robert followed me close behind.Dad looked up from his files but said nothing.Robert handed over a few files to dad.They both exchanged glances before Robert took his leave...None of us spoke for a while.'So...',said dad still not taking his eyes off from the files,'I hope you have something to explain.'

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