"I'm still a fledgling. if that helps." Tim mumbles softly.

"what do you have to do in order to become...fully accepted?" Claud asks.

"Mark a being."

"and that means?" Claud lays down and sighs before settling into his bed for story time.

"It means I'd..." i smile slightly before leaning forward and crawling over so that I'm hovering just over his very large body. "...it means I'd find a victim...get them alone and..." my fingers graze his neck purposefully and he only shivers with a small smirk on his lips.

"And what?" he whispers, his eyes showing amusement and...want.

"with one swift bite...force them to be my slave. to drink and to kill as i wish." i state, using the phrases my father had told me so long ago.

" you create a personal blood bank." he states and raises an eyebrow.


"you're...wait...Blood." his eyes widen drastically before he roughly shoves me off of him. i land on my bottom, close to the door. his large figure sits up quickly to stare at me in confusion and shock.

"What is wrong with you?" i hiss and wince at the pain from the fall.

"You...you're a vampire." he gasps, out of breath. something that made no sense to me.

"that's no reason to shove me!" i scream and stand up.

"are you insane?! i'm a...a Werewolf." he stands up as well and walks to me with worry filling his eyes.

"What are talking about? I know what you are but why should that concern me?" i ask.

" are you...demented?! we're enemies."

"that's not true Claud. you've been reading too many fictional-"

"No! not our species...our families. you...you're a Blake aren't you? of course you are how could i have not smelled it before?!"

"i thought your senses were dull?"

"they're strong enough to have sensed you."

"but they didn't!"

"because i didn't want them to!"

"explain what in the world you're talking about!" i scream. i noticed vaguely that my headache had gone away.

"Our families are sworn enemies. Our fathers hate each other because of what your great-great-grandfather did to my own. 

"i hope you realize i have no idea what your talking about." i say in confusion.

"you can;t be serious. did your father not tell you anything?" Claud asks in shock.

"i guess not."

"it started in England...during the 1800s. My family...we used to be royalty in the night world just as your family was. back when rulers were considered high priority. my ancestor...i was named after him. Claud Valentine..."

Claud's voice drifts off as if we were traveling down a tunnel heading in opposite directions. his voice echoes until my vision blacks out and i feel myself falling.


when my sight slowly starts to come back, i find myself staring up at a large shady tree. it's leaves block most of the sun from me and i groggily sit up to find myself in what seems to be a park, it's empty, not a single person out.

i stand and make my way towards the gates, their metal bars visible form where i was. how i got to this place, i had no idea but i felt that i had to leave in order to get back to where i belong.

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