Chapter Thirty Nine

Start from the beginning

"Hey you!" I hear from across the room  and see Jasper standing there. "You actually did it."

"Yes I did... wait you sound like you thought I would not go ahead with it."

"I knew you would, I just wasn't sure that other people would let you." He tells me.

"I do what I want and now it is done. Let's just wait and see how everyone acts." I then tell him. I walk with him, out of the throne room and into the gardens.

Even though it looks like it might rain any minute now, it feels nice to have the fresh air against my skin and be away from all the people tidying the cameras away.

"Where is Max?" I ask Jasper as we walk pass a rose bush.

"Working, I should be too but I wanted to come and see you. I hope you don't fire me." He jokes at the end.

"Hmm I will have to think about it. Was there any reason you wanted to see me?" I ask out of curiosity.

"I think just to see myself that you actually do it's after so long, it seems hard to imagine that it could be a reality." He explains to me and I know I do not have to ask what he is on about.

"Well I did, like I said. I do not go back on my promises."

"I know you don't. So what happens now?"

"We wait a while to see how the public reacts and see how the councils go. If it goes well then I will start addressing the issues that public have directly."

"How long will that take?"

"I have no idea. We will have to wait a few days to begin with." I tell him, feeling impatient myself about how everyone will react.

And that is what we do, we wait for a few days until the palace receives reports on the public's reaction.  Four days after the live broadcast the reports came in. Apparently people are happy that the palace actually wants to listen to them rather than push everyone away.

So far, thousands of people have signed up to be a part of a council, more people than what was predicted. I read these reports with a smile on my face, glad that I am making a change in a good way.

I turn the page over to read the reports on how people are reacting to me legalising gay relationships. I am more nervous reading these ones because I know they more likely to spark a bigger reaction.

When I first start reading, I let out a sight of relief. People are happy, glad that they no longer have to hide who they are and who they love. Someone said that 'it is the best step forward so far' and someone else went as far to say 'you will be the best queen that has ever been remembered'. All these comments bring tears to my eyes.

I then turn over to the next page which is less than complimentary. This is more of what I was expecting. There are people who are also how I could ever let 'those freaks walk on earth never mind make it normal' and people who believes I should lock gay people up. With frustration, I rip that piece of paper out of the notepad and screw it up into a ball and throw it across the room.

It would be easier if they were mad at me directly, I could maybe change to what they want but I cannot change people's feelings. In my eyes there is nothing wrong with loving someone who is the same sex as you. I could get all those homophobic people in a room and explain it to them but it would be pointless. It would be like taking to a brick wall.

Rolling my eyes, I get up and walk across the room to the scrunched up piece of paper on the floors and pick it up. I return back to my desk and fold the piece of paper back out and carry on reading it.

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