"Thank you Dr. Farris" Doula and Rosemary says

After Doula took her first pill Her and rosemary went to meet up with jess and lied to him saying Doula just wanted to spend a few hours with her sister before the baby came since it's so close to happening, Thankfully jess didnt ask many more question's, After they saw jess Rosemary and Doula went into stars hollow and Rosemary sat down with Mark and Doula and had a very serious talk about sex and protection, she also lectured Mark that if he thinks he is old enough to be able to have sex he should be responsible enough to tell his partner if a condom breaks or anything and make sure that if they dont want a pregnancy she get the morning after pill asap, Mark felt bad that Doula was going thru this and admitted he didnt tell her about a broken condom because she was on birth control and Rosemary told him birth control can fail still, He accepted it was party his fault an apologized begging rosemary not to tell jess because he liked being alive and having the male anatomy. She agreed not to tell him for doulas sake but warned if anyone else found out in the family and friends that there would be no way to save him, He understood.

Later that night

Jess, Rosemary, Logan, Rory, Robert, April, Colin, Stephanie, Finn, Juliet and Doula were out for dinner and dancing, The next day was Doula's 18th birthday so Finn swung a deal with the dance club (18+ years only) that he pretend today was her 18th birthday and he did .

"Finn I cant believe you got him to agree to let me in" Doula says

"Darling I can convince anyone of just about anything and it helps that your hours away from being 18" Finn says

"Jess thank you for agreeing to let me come tonight" Doula says

"Hey, your with me and the people I trust to help keep you safe, plus Liz thinks its just dinner and a sleep over" Jess says

"Not like mom would care, she's already asked me why I haven't slept over at Mark's house" Doula says

"Has she let him sleep over at your house" Jess asks

"Yes, but in the living room and she kept her bedroom door open so he wouldnt try to sneak in my room and I couldnt leave my room, Trust me it wont ever happen again we broke up today" Doula says

"Why" Jess asks

"He was asking me to do things I didnt want to do and because I didnt ask him if I could do things he was mad" Doula says

"Well I'm glad that you didnt do anything bad because he asked you too" Jess says

After everyone's food got to the table they all ate and talked and then decided they were going to go dance a bit, April and Rory had gotten Luke and Lorelai to watch the kids for the night so they could take Doula out safely since she was turning 18 finally.

Once on the dance floor Rosemary had to go sit down because her back started to hurt and the baby was kicking up a storm, Within 10 minutes she got Jess to get Rory.

"What's up rosemary" Rory asks

"I dont want to panic anyone but I think I hurt my back and the baby doesnt seem to be happy, it's moving a lot when I have a back spasm" Rosemary says

"Your due in what 4 day's" Rory asks

"Ya about that why" Rosemary asks

"Well from the sounds of it your possibly going to give Doula the best birthday present ever" Rory says

"What do you mean" Rosemary asks

"I think your having back labor" Rory says

"No, I cant ruin Doula's night" Rosemary says

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