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10 weeks 3 days pass September 8th

Rosemary is at her 39 week appointment to make sure everything is going on with their baby, Jess is unfortunately unable to get away from truncheon today due to a printing press Error he has to go threw the last 24hours of printing to make sure they dont ship any of the bad prints and also fix the error on the printing press since the guy who normally does it is sick.

When Rosemary goes to leave her doctor office to go see jess at work and let him know everything with baby is going good and the baby is ready to make its exit but she see's Doula in the waiting room and decided she's going to talk to her

"Hey Doula, What are you doing here" Rosemary asks

"I'm seeing a gynecologist" Doula says

"Doula, I know but tell me why please, I promise I wont tell Jess" Rosemary says

"You swear no matter what you wont tell him" Doula asks

"Yes, girl code I will not tell jess" Rosemary says

"I kind of missed a period and I kind of might be." Doula says pointing to Rosemary's belly

"Oh no Doula, How did it happen, well I know how but who and when" Rosemary asks

"You remember my boyfriend Mark well we had sex we thought we where safe, We used a condom and I was on birthcontol but it wasn't till today when my gf asked me if I had any tampons that she could snag that I realized I'm just under a week late" Doula says

"Do you have anyone with you here" Rosemary asks

"No I dont, I'm terrified and youre the only one I have told" Doula says

"Do you want me to come in with you, I have been in your position and I know how scary it is" Rosemary says

"Yes please if you dont mind, I dont want to find out on my own and my mom has no idea I'm here" Doula says

"I got ya, Your my family I have your back no matter what" Rosemary says

"Thank you" Doula says

"Hey what are sister for" Rosemary says

Doula and rosemary go into the doctors exam room to find out the results of Doulas test and find out she is indeed pregnant and talk to the doctor about options, Doula get an ultrasound for timing purposes so they can figure out options further

"Doula you are very early on so there are a lot of options but unfortunately you are a minor and we would have to get your parent or guardian's permission to administer them" Dr Farris says

"She lives with me and her brother, am I able to consent for her" Rosemary asks

"Yes as long as you are one of her main caregivers" Dr Farris says

"Yes, Please lets talk option's, my brother cant find out, I cant keep it" Doula says

"There is a medication that essentially causes a miscarriage that I can give you, its non invasive and recovery is somewhat like having a heavy period and heavy cramping, You would take one pill here in the office and another pill in 24-48 hours at home and I would give you antibiotics also" Dr Farris says

"Doula is that something you think you could do" Rosemary asks

"Yes I can handle that" Doula says

"I will write your prescription and I will get the first pill right now and I think we should also get you on a new birthcontol once this is done, I also want to see you once the bleeding has stopped to make sure it went good " Dr Farris says

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