What do you mean he has to leave?

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Ps. ( l/b/n) = little boys name

No ones POV

The sun shined through the ripped curtains and onto her face. She pulled the thin blanket that covered her over her face.
"Not now. I was having a good dream." she said to the giant annoying ball of light. With a sigh she surrenders and sits up, stretches, and leaves her small room. Outside her room was the shabby living area with a small table and a rug on the ground. To her surprise no one was there. Whenever she woke up she was the last one to wake and always greeted her family when she did.
"Hello? Anyone here? Eomma? Appa?Dongseng?" She called out, but she was just met with nothing and the slight 'clip clop' of horse hooves outside.
Horse hooves?
There were rarely horses in the village, only oxen and cows did the work with the farmers. Unless they were horses from... oh no.

She ran her hand through her hair just in case anyone important was outside. She opens the door to see her mother, father and young brother with their backs facing her. Her mother turns around and looks at her with concern.
"Oh, (Y/N) you are awake. Greet this nice man who has come to talk to us." She says, but her voice was somewhat strained.
"A-annyeonghaseyo." She stutters out.

(Y/N)'s POV

Who is this guy? He seems to be pretty elderly, and is dressed like he is very important, which worries me. Why would an official be concerned with us?

"This is the house of (last name), correct?" He asks. Taking a scroll out of the canister, that's hooked to his horses saddle.
"Yes. I am Mr.(last name). What seems to be the problem?" He asks calmly. Appa had always been calm around officials. I've never known why but whenever they would come around the village and everyone else would hide, he was the one to come out and talk.
The man handed him the scroll and spoke, "You have been required to take part in the queens military training. You will help the Hwarang train, and they will help you become a warrior yourself. You must arrive there at noon tomorrow, and if you refuse, disciplinary actions will have to take place." As he said this Appa unwound the scroll and read what was included.
By the time the time he was finished and we had read the scroll, he was already gone. We all looked around at each other with fear and unrest on all of our faces.

"Appa, you can't go! You aren't well enough and you could get seriously hurt and-" I tried to protest but he stopped me.
"There will be no further discussing this matter. I have to go. It is my duty to the queen." He said with a stern face.
Eomma started to tear up.
"That is right we will not be talking about this right now. Let's all just try and have one last normal day together." She says, walking back into the house, with my little brother (l/b/n) in tow.
The day went as it normally did, besides the giant pressure and discomfort that loomed over the whole village. My father was one of the elders and knew everyone. He was like everyone's grandfather and now he had to leave.

Dinner time came eventually and we all sat around our table together, eating silently. The tension was unbearable and I just broke.
"Why did they chose you? Out of all the men in the village why did they choose you? You can barely walk without your cane, and your breathing is labored half the time! How are you supposed to train with the queens military?!" I bursted out.
He slams his hand on the table, making all of the food dishes rattle.
"I said no more speaking of this! Besides you should not be concerned with such matters." He says to me and leaves the table. I do the same, but I go to my room. (L/b/n) was quite shaken up and spoke,
"What are they talking about Eomma?" He asks.
"Nothing sweetie. Appa just has to leave for a little while." She answers, eyes tearing up again, but she holds it in.
"What do you mean he has to leave? Where is the going?" He persists.
"I will tell you later. Let's go to bed for now." she says picking him up and taking him to his room.
After making it to my room I sat down on my mat, and thought about this. 'How can I stop him from going?' Then I realized the only way.

I will go in his place.

Hello! I hope you like this first chapter! Feel free to comment I love feedback.~Rayraychel4

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