Studying | Keith Powers

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Y/N was a nerd at Howard Highschool. She was picked on, but she would always stick up for herself. Even though Y/N was a nerd , she always held her ground. Boys adored her. Y/N was a thick girl , and had curves for days. Girls envied her. They wanted her body and her gorgeous little face. They hated that boys adored her.

Keith was one of the popular boys at Howard Highschool. He was very multitalented and girls adored him , too. He got what he wanted , when he wanted it. He was a very handsome boy and was pretty smart himself. He played on the schools basketball team and was the point guard.

Y/N was in his science class. He sat in the back while she sat in the middle row. Y/N always liked Keith. She's known of him since 4th grade. She recently started liking him when they first talked in 8th grade. She doubts he feels the same way about her.

"Y/N  , can you answer number 21 for me?" Mrs.Rodriquez says while looking at Her. Y/N was caught off guard but she hurries and says the answer.

"It's yes , because they both mix with eachother." Y/N says while looking at her teacher. Keith was currently flirting with the girl next to him. The girl was cute , but she wasn't all that compared to Y/N. Mrs Rodriquez notices that Keith wasn't paying attention.

"Mr.Powers, Did you here what Ms.Ln said ?" Mrs.Rodriquez Calls him out and the whole class except Y/N turned around to look at him. Keith looked from the girl to his teacher who was currently standing with her hand on her hip.

"Ion' never listen to what come out ha mouth ," Keith says while looking at Y/N. Y/N was taken back on what he said but she knew it was true. He doesn't listen to her or speak to her at all.  "She too smart for me," He says while still looking at Y/N still. She then looks back at Keith and sees he's staring dead at her so she hurries and turns back around.

"That's not a good reason not to listen in class , Powers. How about you stop flirting with Natalie and you pay attention in class hmm? " Mrs.Rodriquez says while turning back to the board , drawing out something. Some students snickered at him and turned back around to do their work.


"Mr.Powers and Ms.Ln can I see you two for a second? " Mrs.Rodriquez says while grading papers. Y/N was caught off guard. She stands in front of her teachers desk and Keith stands right next to Y/N annoyed.

"What I do now?" Keith says with a sense of sarcasm. This was Y/N and Keith's last period and they were both ready to go. Keith had basketball practice and Y/N had to get home to her brothers and sisters.

" You didn't do anything , you're failing Science Mr.Powers. And Y/N I was wondering if you could tutor him for me? " Mrs.Rodriquez Says while looking up at the two teenagers.

"Ion' need no tutor Mrs.R." Keith says while looking Y/N up and down. Y/N just stood there quietly waiting for the teacher to respond.

"If you don't let her tutor you , you're getting kicked off the basketball team Keith. It's up to you," Mrs.Rodriquez says while looking at Keith. "Now Y/N what do you say ? Will you tutor him for me?" She says while looking at Y/N .

" Yeah I guess," Y/n says while looking at Keith who was still looking down at her. "What's good times for you ? "

Keith snaps himself out of his daze and looks at his teacher than Y/N  "My practice today ends at 7 so you can just come over to my house if you're free." Keith Says while looking down at the little short girl next to him.

Y/N then smiles and agrees to meet up at Keith's house. They both left and went by on their separate ways.


" 2401," Y/N kept reminding herself. She was currently trying to find Keith's house and was getting very irritated with the thought of not finding it. When she found it, she parked her car in front of the mini mansion and walked up to the door. When she got there , she rang the doorbell.

Minutes later , A beautiful lady opens the door. " Hi baby , who are you here for?" She says while looking at Y/N.

"I'm here for Keith , I'm his tutor," Y/N says while smiling at the woman. The woman smiles back and lets her in. She then yells " Keith there's a beautiful girl at the door waiting for you!" She looks at Y/N " I'm Mrs.Powers , his mother , He will be down in a second" she smiles while walking to the kitchen.

Minutes later , Keith comes down with just his Tommy Hilfiger joggers on . "Wassup , you ready to teach me?" He says while smiling down at the gorgeous girl in front of him. Y/N smiles and nods her head.


"Science can be very difficult to people who don't understand the basics of science," Y/N says while looking at the book in front of her and Keith. Keith wasn't paying attention to what she was saying. He was focusing on the beautiful human being in front of him. Science wasn't what he wanted to learn right now.

"Y/N have you ever had a boyfriend?"  Keith says while twisting a strand of Y/N's hair. Y/n stopped writing and looks up at Keith. Keith looks into her eyes and smiles.

"Yeah I had one , but he cheated on me. I don't really trust anyone with my heart anymore ," She says while picking with his Gold chain which was around his neck. Keith examined her face while she picked with his chain. He then lifts her head up by her chin and kisses her softly. Y/N was shocked and didn't kiss back for a second , but after minutes going by she did. Keith pulls away and looks into her eyes.

"Would you ever give me a chance?"

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