Part one: quiet

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You sat at a table all the way to the back of the room alone. You had just gotten food and you were eating it slowly with thoughts to keep you company. Others chatted with friends and laughed while you sat alone, deep in thought, eating almost robotically.

        You enlisted in the survey corps a couple of years ago. You had friends but... You all made a pledges to lay down your lifes and that's just what they did. After a while and losing friend after friend, you decided making friends was just a waste of time. you saved yourself the pain and just stayed quiet. Yes it got lonely but... It was worth it, very worth it.
     You liked being in the corps, it didn't pay well but you got free boarding and three free meals a day. It was wonderful! hell even if it didn't pay you would've join... three full meals a day was worth risking your life. Besides, you figured you had nothing to loose, you had no family to return home too, you had no friends to worry about you, so why not?  thats what you thought made you a good solider... You fought impulsively, like you didn't care if you were to fall to your death, or get eaten by titan. Of course  you weren't an idiot or a suicidal maniac i mean... If you were, you wouldn't have made it to this meal.

        Thats what your life had ultimately become, staying alive for the next meal.

Wake up
Get dressed
Start mission what ever it may be.
Continue mission until casualties are too overwhelming
Then sleep

      That was your day, every day for what seemed like a never ending loop. All the days seem to blur together after Emmy and Aries died. After that you decided friends weren't worth the heart break. each time you had thought you got use to it, you were wrong and with every passing year you felt yourself get quieter, more stoic, you didn't complain though.. it seemed easier to live this way.

        You robotically brought another bite of stew up to your mouth until a loud slam of a tray harshly knocked you out of your thoughts like a punch to the face. You gasped loudly and dropped your spoon, feeling your heart pound as you felt the temperature get a hundred degrees hotter.
     You looked up to find raven hair covering a most likely deadpan expression. You panted from shock and the short, quiet man sat across from you. You stared at him wide eyed for a moment before going stoic yourself.

"come on Levi! Its a joke not a dick don't take it so hard!" Hanji yelled and you noticed corporal get more and more furious with each word coming from her unfiltered mouth. Hanji and the other superiors sat at there table and laughed loudly.

         You sighed slightly. These are the time you really missed them.... your friends and their stupid sense of humor.

" damn it cadet L/N relax." Corporal mumbled stabbing his fork into the meat on his plate. You looked at his plate then back up at him, superiors were so lucky... they got all the good food. For dinner while you had stew they got beef and various other things along with bread but... at least you got food.. so no complaining there.  Your breathing, you guessed, was still uneven and levi picked up on it.
" you're in my squad and you cant even handle your fucking commander, sitting next to you. tch, pathetic."

     You glared at him slightly before turning your attention back to your stew. Why did he choose this table out of all the others? You ate a couple more bites finishing the stew off the. You had an apple and piece of bread left, you took a bite of the apple, sending that loud crunching noise in defense of the awkward silence. Levi looked up to you giving you his cold eyes. You returned the stare. In many ways you were like levi, cold, emotionless, shut out from the rest of the world.
       You weren't an asshole though and when you did talk to people, you weren't rude. So in many ways, you weren't like corporal.

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