Lost and Found

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  • Dedicated to Jasmine Fry

Just keeping the peace and letting you know that I don't own any of the characters, that's J.k. Rowling. I own only the plot.

(Dedicated to my bestie in the whole world!)

Hey Everyone! Here is a single chapter story that I wrote a while back. It was posted on harrypotterfanfiction.com under my pen name Dark Crys. 

Hope that you enjoy!

“George!!!” Cried Mrs Weasley, banging on George’s bedroom door, trying to wake him up, but George was already awake, actually he had never fallen asleep the night before. 

George just lay on his bed one arm above his head and the other hand resting over his chest. He hadn’t slept all that well since the final battle, the battle where Voldermort was finally killed along with many others. Among those was his one and only true friend, his twin brother Fred. 

Of anyone that was in his family Fred’s death affected George the most, yes Mrs. Weasley wasn’t doing too well, but George hadn’t spoken to anyone ever since he lost his brother, not one joke, not one word. 

He never left the house unless it was for his regular check up which was now every three months, and after the appointment he had today it would be every six months.

George had to go to St Mungo’s for his ear. He was open to all medical experiments; he had nothing to lose, as far as he was concerned. 

George groaned and rolled off of his bed and onto the floor where he landed on his hands and feet. He used the bed to help him up he stretched and pulled on semi-clean cloths, turned to the mirror which was on the back of his bedroom door and saw that he looked haggard from the lack of sleep and his hair was growing rather long. He pulled out an elastic band and pulled his hair back into a pony tail at the nape of his neck. Then made his way down stairs, as he walked into the kitchen he found, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny all stuffing their faces with pancakes. 

He silently took a seat, and everyone just ignored him, just the way he liked it. Mrs Weasley came over to him and placed a large plate of pancakes in front of him. He looked up and gave his mum a weak smile, and got a kiss of the forehead in return. 

“Are you ready for your appointment, this morning?” Mrs Weasley asked calmly as she took a seat next to George. 

George nodded and tried to swallow the food in his mouth. He thought about all his past appointments. They ran the same tests and he always got the same results. The thing he looked forward to most, in fact was the girl that sat at the front desk, Hannah Abbott. She was a quiet and shy girl, and he doubted that she ever even noticed him, but somehow he always got the feeling that she was in some way waiting for him. 

Who knows maybe she was, and he might find out today. But then again who would want to be with him? He was miserable and depressed. He had, had his year of mourning; maybe it was time to move on with his life.  


George tried to eat more pancakes but it just wasn’t happening. Sleep wasn’t the only thing that he was lacking recently, it was his appetite as well, and deep down it was worrying his mother. Mrs. Weasley looked at George and noticed that he had tied his hair back into a messy pony tail. She flicked her wand and suddenly his hair was clean and in a tidy pony tail at the nape of his neck. She may not be able to convince him to cut it, but at least you’d think he would look after it. She sighed and lifted her mug to her lips. 

George crammed down another couple of pancakes and left his plate more than half full. “Come on, let’s get this over with.” He said quietly as he stood up. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2012 ⏰

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