Chapter 13

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The next day I walked into school. I got a few envious glances but I knew they would stop soon, when everyone found out I wasn't friends with one direction anymore.

I sat down in my usual seat in maths, right at the back near the heater. It was so warm.

Niall walked into the room. He started to walk towards me. I quickly averted my eyes and looked down at my lap.

'Babe can I talk to you, about the other night.' He murmered

'No Niall you can't, it was a mistake, making friends with you was a mistake, I'm pulling you guys apart and I can't stand it.' I said

'Please, I love you.' Niall whispered

I looked up into his eyes and shook my head. At that point in time, Harry, having made a full recovery, walked into the room. He also headed towards me. I, however, got saved by our maths teacher walking onto the room. Harry sat on one side of me and Niall on the other. I tried my best to ignore them but it was hard because they kept whispering to each other over my head.

'Will you shut up!' I yelled

'That is no way to behave in my classroom!' The teacher yelled

'Don't you mean that's no way to talk to one direction, I'm sick of the school acting so stupid around them. They are nothing but normal people, with normal problems, quit treating them differently.' I yelled

'Get out of my classroom!'

I stood up and walked out of the room. I walked out into the playground and saw a bunch of people smoking drugs by the bike sheds. The called after me. 'Babe come here!' One of the boys yelled.

What did I have to loose.......

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